Im a hugger (Scatra)

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Requested by melissashoe
No Warnings

So this was a draft I never continued so I might as well use it for this request! Enjoy!

Scorpia paced around the barracks, worried that Catra, the Force Captain, would kill her. Explanation? Scorpia's claws broke another Horde tablet. And the she-cat would freak out of she found out another one had been broken. Quickly, the scorpion-girl tried to shovel the broken pieces into a corner and succeeded. Only thing to do now was to hope that the next time Catra comes in, that she doesn't see the pile of scraps in the room.

Catra summoned Entrapta and Scorpia to their natural hang out, as Scorpia would call it. Catra never considered the two to be her friends, but they'd always follow her wherever she went, so it wasn't her fault if she'd know a thing or two about them. They're all princesses, except Catra of course, which meant they didn't exactly have the upper hand in the battle against the Rebellion, but it did mean that the Rebellion can't have as much as power as they should have. "Scorpia do you have your tablet?" Catra sighed and turned to face one of many screens against the wall. "What? Uh..yuh..uhm!- oh yeah! Totally forgot it on my bed! " Scorpia stuttered and shuffled her feet on the ground.

Catra growled, "you broke it again didn't you?!". Scorpia flinched and peeked up at Catra. "M-maybe?.." she squeaked.
The cat hissed and then sighed in frustration. "Whatever. Ill get someone to make a better one for yo- ACK!" Catra shrieked when she was flung up from the ground and swung around onto Scorpia's shoulder. Scorpia smiled and cheered as she hugged Catra VERY tightly. "Thanks Catra!"

(I'm honestly stuck)


It was two days later and Scorpia made little progress in earning the force captain's trust. Every time Scorpia tried to get Catra to hang out with her she'd be clawed away, but at whatever chance Scorpia had she'd hug the smaller tan girl without hesitation. Sure, it made Catra hiss but the scorpion-girl could tell it made Catra happy. She understood if Catra was hiding that feeling to keep her reputation around the Horde, so she didn't say anything.
A few hours into the day and it was just Catra and Scorpia, silence hung around the room as the cat was rummaging through some broken equipment to salvage pieces for Entrapta and Hordak.
Scorpia searched around for specific pieces like adapters, batteries, etc. She stood on a ruined down skiff and dug through a gap ripped right through the center of it.

Scorpia looked down at her new tablet, murmuring the list on the screen to make sure she had at least two of everything. When she was done she flung the bag of parts over her shoulder and headed to find Catra.
Which was cursing and complaining about why she of all people should be digging around in the trash, Catra flinched as Scorpia chuckled behind her. "Having a hard time kitty?". The cat only hissed and flung a disk out at Scorpia, barely hitting the taller girl.
Scorpia nervously chuckled again and set her bag down next to Catra, beaming at the thought of being praised by her companion.

Catra opened the bag and took a look at Scorpia's find, everything seemed to be there. Catra sighed in relief, grateful that she didn't have to dig around in rusty metal and old wires anymore. "Good job I guess" she muttered her thanks to Scorpia and gave a hard shove to move the bag of parts to the hybrid girl. She sighed and stood up, brushing off dust and dirt from her knees and shoulders and looked up at the white haired girl.
Scorpia beamed, "oh well it was nothin' most of it came from that skiff over there" she proudly stated. A hint of red sparked in her cheeks and walked side by side with her friend.

"Wow! You two really found a lot! I don't know why we didn't recycle these babies in the first place!" Entrapta exclaimed as she studied the electrical parts the two found. Catra always beamed at the point of victory, and then after she'd plan a huge ambitious thing to kidnap Adora, again. Which it always made Scorpia mad whenever Adora's name came to play with Catra's heart.
Everyone knew about their relationship before Adora betrayed the Horde, and everyone knew that Catra was desperate to love someone again but was too stubborn to give up the pretty blonde girl.

Before lights out, Scorpia decided to confess her feelings to her feline friend. It was going to be hard though, Catra's grumpy when she's tired and won't let anyone stop her when it comes to bed time. So Scorpia had to make sure that she caught Catra before she locked herself into her room.
Scorpia hid behind a corner a waited for Catra to head her way, a minute passed and heavy footsteps were coming the insect girls way. For a second Scorpia panicked and had second thoughts but it was too late because Catra had already made it to the corner and hissed when she saw Scorpia lurking there.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
Scorpia gulped down her hesitation and decided it was now or nothing. "I really like you Catra, like REALLY like you. But I know you still have feelings for Adora and that's fine but-" Scorpia was cut off when Catra almost immediately pushed her lips onto Scorpia's.

The bug went wide eyed and took a brief moment to make sure she wasn't dreaming before she gently kissed back. Catra jumped down from Scorpia's waist and sighed, looking away. Scorpia was at a loss for words and just had the moment race through her head, "I-" she began but was shushed by Catra. "You're such a dumb bug Scorpia" Catra smiled and blushed which was abnormal for her.
Scorpia teared up and hugged Catra getting a hiss back from the wildcat. "Put me down!!"
"Sorry I'm a big hugger!"

Oh hecc boiz we did it, first Scorpia x Catra.
Sorry if I got the ship name wrong I'm too lazy to change it. I might do smut next but we'll see.
Not really into this ship but it's cute and highly probable to be canon and endgame ship. (I'm sorry Catradora shippers if I made you cry sorry sorry)
But my heart still lies with Catradora.
See ya sinners~

Arisu~Senpai ;)

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