Party Cat, Catra Prt 2. (Catradora) !!SMT!!

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Requested by catra_is_gay
This is a prt 2!

That's it XD

No joke screamed when the imperfect Catra had the glimpse of screen time. I squealed "rape" the whole time. There is seriously something wrong with me XD

Adora gently removed Catra's shirt and side smirked. She almost forgot how cute Catra's little tuft of fur along her stomach was, and how flustered Catra would get if she were stared at too long. Adora tapped her chin curiously and teased the cat below her by softly drawing circles around her chest, Catra whined and cursed Adora out quietly for teasing her.
"Aw, your so fragile..~" Adora giggled and kissed along the cat's stomach. Catra watched curiously as Adora left more purple marks and bites along her chest until she felt Adora's hand stroke the fur on her belly softly making Catra purr very loudly.

Adora slipped off the flannel that was loosely tied to her waist and threw it somewhere to the ground, along with her black converse and socks. Catra struggled to unbutton Adora's jeans to help with the throwing of the clothes. Adora chuckled and easily undid everything and threw off the jeans leaving her in her boxers (Yes Boxers in the show it kinda shows that so don't fucking say anything ).
Catra blushed and realized it was her turn to take off a piece of clothing so she slipped off her ripped leggings and also threw them somewhere in the room.
"Have you locked the door?" Adora asked, Catra shrugged and paused to look at the handle on the door, too dark to see if it was locked or not.

Adora watched as Catra stood and walked towards the door to lock it, Making a click. Finally it was time to get down to business, (TO DEFEAT...THE HUNS) Adora pinned the cat back down on the bed and snuck a hand down Catra's striped boxers making Catra gasp softly, "Shit Adora...~...". The music boomed louder then before, blocking out Catra's soft moans as Adora gently rubbed her folds.
The blonde grinned at the sight of the girl beneath squirming around and mewling out tiny moans. It drove them both crazy, making them both want so much more.
Adora, with warning, pushed a finger inside Catra making Catra buck her hips and throw her legs around Adora.
"F-Fuck!~..." Catra moaned, making Adora snap, the blonde thrusted another digit in and curled the two fingers inside Catra. The cat arched her back and let out a loud moan, Adora continued to pump her fingers inside Catra for awhile, enjoying the erotic show beneath her.
The sheets had already been ripped thanks to Catra, the feeling was so overwhelming it made Catra scream.

Catra released her juices onto Adora's fingers and kept panting over Adora removed the two and licked them clean seductively.
Adora smirked and cuddled Catra the best she could, Catra twitched a little bit after feeling Adora's hot breath on her neck. "What would you do if I said I loved you?..." Adora sighed huskily into the cats' ear, Catra suppressed a shiver and smiled weakly. "I'd tell you that I loved you too..." Catra replied sleepily, dozing off.
Before the two could sleep, a knock came from the door, "shit the music stopped..." Adora gasped.
"Uhm wh-who is it?" Catra yelled with her voice breaking, "it's me, Scorpia! You doing alright? I sent everyone home, I noticed Adora wasn't with her friends too!" Scorpia yelled back.
Catra laughed quietly, "I'm just tired Scorpia, thanks though...I bet the Blondie went home early!" Catra joked, earning a elbow to the stomach from Adora.
"Oh ok! Sleep well!" Scorpia said and a door was heard being shut.

"Stupid cat" Adora teased. "I love you too" Catra laughed.

There you go, I'll get right on the rest don't you worry!
Sorry I've been taking forever, having family issues and shit. Remember that Requests are closed!
They will be reopened when I get the rest all finished up.
See ya sinners!~

-Ari~Senpai ;)

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