And the ship did sail (BowHawk/SeaBow?) !!SMT!!

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!!warning!! !!SMUT!!
Don't like it don't read it

Requested by ayanopacifyher
Pet names

Honestly hoped this ship would come up, I'm better with boyxboy smut. I promise I'll do a non-smut next time!

The sun was setting upon the horizon, the best friend squad was returning to BrightMoon after a successful mission from retrieving some first ones tech. And what better way of traveling home than on a nice boat ride?

Bow inhaled the salty fumes from the water's below, loving the view of the ocean itself.
He enjoyed every adventure they had, especially when it was with SeaHawk. SeaHawk was Bow's role model, and crush.
Everyone knew he was gay, homosexual parents or not, it was fairly obvious. But nobody knew that Bow had a crush on the pirate.

"Awe...don't you just love it?" SeaHawk said behind Bow, startling the boy. "Love what?" The crop top boi said in return, SeaHawk chuckled as he ran his fingers into his brown locks of hair. "The ocean breeze! The intense adventure! The dangerous encounters?" The sea captain said famously, Bow giggled and leaned against the star board railing. "Not as much as I love this boat".
SeaHawk chuckled and leaned alongside him, "Oh yes, ain't she beautiful? She's my 18th one now!" SeaHawk laughed at his own joke.
Bow laughed, unsure SeaHawk was serious or not and just ignored the thought.

It was dark now, and the ship was lit up in candles. SeaHawk came out with a box of booze and had a mischievous grin on his face.
"Uh Oh" Glimmer sighed, "Not this again".
"How bout' a game anyone?" SeaHawk chuckled and set the box down.
It was game night, which was every night you were on SeaHawk's boat. And it was always weird childish games; truth or dare, 7 minutes in Heaven, etc.
Last time,they caught Catra and held her hostage. And Adora ended up having an hour in a closet with the wildcat.

This time it was spin the bottle, which made Bow nervous. Since yes, he was gay and he probably would have to kiss one of his best friends.
They all sat in a circle and SeaHawk placed an empty bottle in the center. Adora went first and she spun the bottle, landing on Glimmer. They gave each other a quick peck on the lips before laughing, it was SeaHawk's turn now.
Bow sat anxiously and watched as SeaHawk hummed while rubbing his mustache.
He gripped the bottle and spun it hard, the glass bottle went in circles fast until it went slower, and slower, until It made its way to a stop, pointing exactly at Bow.

Bow went dark red in a snap as SeaHawk shamelessly crawled over to him. They locked eyes for some heart beats until SeaHawk shrugged and pushed his lips onto Bow's, finally the world stopped spinning for the tan boy and kissed back shyly.
Bow fluttered his eyes closed as SeaHawk forced his tongue into the younger boys dry mouth and explored it.
"Geez get a room you two!" Adora joked, Glimmer laughed so hard she rolled over.
Bow blushed harder as SeaHawk released him and gripped his hand. "Shall we?~" the pirate whispered, Bow nodded, desperately wanting those lips again.

SeaHawk took Bow's hand and lead him into his bedroom, it had a lantern strung to the ceiling, a obvious flag of himself hung above the bed, and a chest on the opposite side of the room. SeaHawk threw Bow onto his bed and hungrily connected their lips again, making Bow grunt in surprise. Bow realized the door was still opened and tried to get SeaHawk to notice by licking his legs around, "what, What! What is it?" SeaHawk sighed, Bow blushed in embarrassment, "th-the door..."
(Remember kids, lock the door, if you don't want to be caught on the floor ;D)
SeaHawk laughed and got up, "my bad, got too excited". The pirate got up and shut the door and put a chair against the handle since it didn't have a lock. He slid off his boots and socks at the door and came back to the boy on his bed. (CONSENT AW SWEET CONSENT) "you sure you want to do this?" SeaHawk asked, but Bow only nodded desperately.

"Now. Where were we?~" SeaHawk slurred, Bow got redder by the second it should be impossible. SeaHawk smirked and kissed the brown boys soft and sweet lips, savoring the taste. Bow kissed back excitedly, he felt SeaHawk force his wrists beside his head. The kiss got more intense and transformed into a steamy make out, their tongues fighting for dominance, but SeaHawk won and took over again.
Bow squeaked as the dominant made Bow's mouth wet again with his tongue then pulled away, SeaHawk wiped some drool off of Bow's bottom lip and smirked.

"Now...let's get this silly chest plate off of you hmm?~" SeaHawk chuckled and lifted Bow's gold and silver armor off, revealing just a white crop top. He threw it somewhere in the room and ran his hand down Bow's chest, the shirt was tight so I shown ever curve and bump along the skinny boy's front.
SeaHawk kissed Bow's belly button and all around it, also placing love marks in the area. Growing impatient he helped Bow take off the shirt and throw it elsewhere, SeaHawk started at Bow's neck, kissed and biting softly on the soft skin.
"How does that feel baby?~" The pirate whispered into the other boys ear, Bow curled his toes and fought back moans as SeaHawk called him names, and bite, and sucked marks everywhere.

SeaHawk took off his own clothes, slipping off every piece of the outfit and yeeting (I had to XD) it at the wall opposite them. He unbuckled his belt and yet against threw it, along with his black pants.
Bow decided it was his turn to remove his jeans and belt, which went quicker then expected. Now it was just the boxers that were in SeaHawk's way, "you greedy little boy~" the pirate commented at Bow's state of how impatient he was.
"Just hurry up already...~.." Bow growled, SeaHawk lowered his boxers, giving Bow the time to admire his naked self. "Your turn, pet~" SeaHawk ordered huskily, Bow snapped out of his erotic trance and shyly removed his own shorts, freeing his own body.

SeaHawk turned Bow on all fours and smirked in surprise as the smaller boy was already stretched out, "Somebody was excited to see me?~" the pirate commented. Bow blushed and didn't respond, he just gripped the sheets in preparation and as a signal to SeaHawk that he was ready.
SeaHawk had no hesitation to push himself inside the needy boy, earning a loud moan from him.
"Good boy~" SeaHawk purred and slowly thrusted inside Bow.
Bow let out long, quiet moans as his soon-to-be lover fucked him, it was even better then Bow had thought.
SeaHawk chuckled as he got louder moans from the other as he roughly abused Bow's prostate. Knowing the smaller couldn't take anymore in awhile, so he did his best to give the boy his best.

"S-SeaHawk I-I!~...I gotta-!" Bow screamed as SeaHawk kicked it up a notch, "I know baby boy~...". It was awhile before Bow couldn't hold it anymore and came into the sheets, as if in unison SeaHawk also came inside Bow and pulled out before they both collapsed into each other's arms. Passed out in exhaustion in the night.

Yas queen, legit shook I did this in a day. I must have no shit to do around my house. Lol I'll try to get in many requests before my school starts in a week, which is going to be so lame.
See ya sinners!~

-Ari~Senpai ;)

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