Cat Docter (Glimmadora) Modern Perfect AU

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Requested by enby_moonlight

No warnings

Hurray a request to fulfill my needs! Everyone needs some of that pure and wholesome fluff! Lel legit excited for this one.

Morning light poured through the windows onto the wooden laminate floor boards.
A slow rise and fall came from a blanket on a bed, and a low snoring was heard just barely.
Glimmer slowly poked her head up and fluttered her eyes open to the daylight. Her spouse, Adora, slept soundly beside her. Glimmer smiled lazily at Adora, she removed a strand of hair from Adora's face and kissed her cheek. "Wake up Adorable" Glimmer laughed quietly as Adora groaned and turned over. "Five more minutes.."
"Addoooorraaaa!~..." Glimmer whined and tugged the blanket towards her so it flew off of Adora's body.
"I said five more minutes Glimmer!" Adora shivered from the cold and tugged back the blanket.

Glimmer pouted and took the blanket back again, "no blanket for you until you get up!" She prompted.
"Fine them I'll use something better..." Adora smiled, she grabbed Glimmer and hugged her tightly. "Ah!! Ugh!- no Adora!" The purple haired girl whined and blushed from the sudden affection.
Adora wrapped her legs around the other girl and didn't let go, a big proud smirk was planted on her face.
Glimmer groaned and struggled some more until she gave up and laughed, "you are so stubborn..."

"I don't want you to goooo..." Adora whined, Glimmer sighed in amusement as she got ready for work. "I'm sorry Adora but I can't skip again! I've got a regular appointment today!"
Adora groaned and face planted into her pillow with a thud. "Scorpia can wait, we both know Catra does NOT have rabies...Scorpia needs to stop bringing her in..." the blonde mumbled into the pillow.
Glimmer laughed sarcastically and slid on her white coat, "Jealous Adora? Wow". Adora rose up quickly from the pillow in a wide eyed state and wove her hands around frantically, "no no! It's not like that! " she anxiously spat.
The purple haired girl laughed, "I'm just kidding Adora!- and no, it's not Scorpia this time, it's SeaHawk and Bow's kid, he's having his weekly allergy shots today" Glimmer said as she clipped on her name tag. Adora sighed in relief and slumped back down into the bed.

"So if she's gone all the time, then just get a job yourself and you'll see her once you get home!" Catra suggested, Adora shrugged and threw a chip into her mouth. "I'm too lazy these days to get a job..." Catra frowned and kicked back into the recliner she was sitting in, "if I'm not too lazy to pick up this remote, you can get a job" the tan girl joked with the black remote In her hand.
Adora shrugged again and stared into the TV, which was playing Dr. Phil.
"Catra! I told you to stay away from people when you have rabies!" Scorpia yelled from the kitchen, Adora burst out in laughter and Catra blushed in embarrassment.
"I DON'T HAVE RABIES" the girl yelled.

Adora looked at her phone, she was still at Catra's house, who of which was sleeping on Adora's lap all curled up.
The phone buzzed and a notification popped up saying Glimmer had texted Adora.

G- Hey almost done with work, wyd?

A- At Catra's house

G- Why?

A- Because I was bored and lonely

G- K well I miss you even though it's just my job

A- miss you too

G- fml, Huntara is my last patient pray for me

A- oh jeez good luck

The conversation ended there and Adora sighed and leaned her head back against the couch, her legs half asleep and she was getting uncomfortable.
She loudly whispered to Scorpia from across the room, "Hey Scorpia!" Then the blonde pointed to Catra, the white haired girl nodded and picked up Catra. Scorpia held the sleeping girl like she was a literal cat, she had really big arms and hands so it was kinda funny to look at.
Adora nodded her thanks to Scorpia and left out the front door.
"Hmmm..." Adora stared at all the cats displayed at the PetSmart. Kittens jumped around and tackled each other in a wrestle, adult cats were placed in small cubby's, and more cats were meowing in the back.
Adora looked at the older cats because she felt bad that they were in such small spaces, and her eyes couldn't stop looking at a strong shouldered tom-cat who was a brown tabby with bright amber eyes.
She ended up buying him, for a surprise for Glimmer.
She pulled out her phone and texted Glimmer as the employees helped with the new cat's collar and cage.

A- what would be good names for a pet? I'm curious.

G- I've always liked the name Henry or Axel for boy animals.

A- I love Axel what else?

G- Princess and Charlie for a girl they are cute.

A- oh yeah

Adora ended up naming the cat Henry, it suited him a lot. She was driving home with Henry watching out the window, he seemed like a pretty obedient cat and a curious one too.
When they got home Adora introduced the house to the cat. He excitedly explored everything and eventually fell asleep in a ball on Adora and Glimmer's bed. Adora snapped a picture of him and pet his back.
Adora heard Glimmer outside in the garage, her car still running. Adora grinned and raced out and closed the bedroom door, she stared at Glimmer with her grin. "Oh no what did you do?" Glimmer laughed.
Adora took the smaller girls hand and dragged her into the house, "I got a surprise" the blonde announced proudly. "Oh yeah? And where is it?"

A meow came from the bedroom door and Glimmer squealed "oh my god Adora!!" The purple haired girl opened the door to see Henry lying on his back with his belly up in the air and looking at Glimmer.
She absolutely fell in love with him, making Adora a little jealous. "Don't worry Adora, I love you both the most " Glimmer chuckled and hugged both of them. "We love you too Glimmer" Adora smiled.

Anyways I'm so behind again might close requests just so I can catch up lol.
Argh my pop socket is all sticky from a fruit roll up rip

-Arisu~Senpai ;)

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