Chapter Three

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You sat on the lunch table in ypu cat form, munching on a piece of chicken a yellow haired friend gave you. You purred happily as you munched on it before lifting you head to see the casual purple haired boy starring at you.

"What is it Shinso?" You grumbled lightly.

He gave you a lazy look and hummed, "I was just wondering, how does your quirk work?"

You purred softly, "My quirk allows me to transform into any creature in existence, dead or alive, real or fake all I have to do is see it. Though I can't use the forms for long than thirty minutes if I don't train them, otherwise they grow out of control."

"Oh, so is that why you can hold the Maine Coon cat form for so long?"

You nodded, "Maine Coon is dad's favorite form so I wanted to be in it as often as possible and Master enjoys it too because the soft fur."


"Oop- Forget about that."

Shinso nodded, "Your quirk sounds exactly like Sly Shift's quirk."

"Mm...What a coincidence!"

You purred before hearing the bell and wobbling off, waving goodbye with your tail.

•~End of school~•

You walked out of school in cat form, your bag on your back this time and tour head down and ears back. You began to head home before a few voices stopped you.

"Hey Y/n!" You lifted your head to see the green haired boy waving to you, "Do you wanna walk with us, we can walk home together!"

You nodded softly, "Alright, thanks for the invite..." You muttered under you breath and walked to them.

"Where do you live Y/n~san?" Uraraka smiled at you.

"Uraraka! It's not polite to but it on someone's personal life!" Tenya chirped up.

"It's fine," You smiled, "I live in the hotel on Harbor."

"You mean the broken down one by the coast?" Uraraka spoke up.

You nodded, "If I'm not there I'm with ma- my best friend. I've actually been living with him and his 'father' for many years now but my home will always be that hotel."

"What about your parents...?" Your body tensed as those words left Izuku's mouth.

"My parents are nothing but scumbag heros who didn't take pride in their daughter's hard work and threw her out on the street just as her quirk developed."

"Oh...I'm sorry..." Izuku mumbled.

You grinned, "Don't be young Izuku, they're dead now anyway, it's just karma to those who treat others like garbage. Even if they weren't dead I'd change that."

The others paused in place and starred at you before continued in their steps.

Soon enough you disassembled from the trio and began your way back to the bar. You made it quickly without the trio and slipped into the small kitty door. You dropped you bag off by it door before stalking your way next to Tomura who was sitting in a bar seat. You let out a purr and jumped into his lap causing him to jump in surprise, though he smiled underneath the hand that was covering his face.

"How was today at the hero school?" Shigaraki asked, sliding four fingers gently across your back making you purr.

"It was fine." You mewled, curling up in his lap.

Sly Girl (Shigaraki Tomura x Shifter Quirk Reader)Where stories live. Discover now