Ninja and the Avatar

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Gandalf chuckled and wondered if that technique the boy used helped them again whereever he may be ...


Tsunade sat at her desk staring out her window. It's been two weeks since Naruto's banishment and still the banishment hasn't been lifted. Why? It has nothing to do with the council members, they all want him back and approved lifting the banishment, but the vote has to be unanimous and one person said no.

It was Tsunade ...

She had a good reason. When she called a vote to reverse Naruto's banishment she saw greed in each of the council member's eyes. Not one ounce of remorse. She realized she didn't want to drag Naruto back to the village that betrayed him without talking to him first. As long as she says no they can't force him back until he says he wants to come back.

The hokage smirked as she looked at a finished stack of papers, "This is the one time I'll ever enjoy doing paperwork."


"I doubt he will when you tell him the truth. That an anbu came and told us that he died after the sealing. If it wasn't for our chance meeting during the exams we'd still believe he was dead. Besides, you're the hokage now. They can't force him to breed with you watching him."

Tsunade frowned clearly terrified, but soon she reluctantly nodded, "You're right ... it will be the first time I told anyone." *knock*knock* "Come in."

Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino and Sasuke entered the office, "Hokage-sama, is it true? Was Naruto banished last week?" asked the Nara.

She nodded, "Yes ... it was put to a vote while I was healing Sasuke and Kakashi."

"But why? ... and who voted to banish him?" asked Sasuke who didn't seem to actually care..

"Everyone believed he was either too weak or a danger-"

"A DANGER?! He risked his life in the Chunin exams and they thought he was a danger! Why?" yelled Choji.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya before turning back to the young ninja, "What I am about to tell you is an S class secret. You can not repeat what I say or you will be executed, understood?" They all nodded. "What you were told about the attack 11 years ago is a lie ... the fourth hokage could not kill nine tails, he sealed it away into the one thing that could hold it ... an infant."

Shikamaru's eyes widened, "but that isn't a good reason to banish him!" Everyone now understood what she said and agreed ... this wasn't right.

The Hokage nodded with a smile, "I'm glad to hear you say that and I know that that would make Naruto happy too ... but there is very little I can do to help him and to answer your earlier question Sasuke, I was the only one who wanted Naruto to stay."

Choji, Shikamaru and Shino were stunned that their fathers would do something like that to their friend.

Neji shook his head, "Hokage-sama, isn't there something we can do? We could find him and stay with him until this blows over."

"Not possible. Most of you are genin or clan heirs and you, Neji, are bound by the caged bird seal. No one would allow any of you to go after him if it meant losing you."

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "Why would anyone think that? We go on missions all the time ... is someone after Naruto?"

Tsunade sighed, "Yes, a group known as the Akatsuki is after all the demon vessels ... they got pretty close already." She showed them the bloody pieces of cloth.

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