Stand Back, I'm Sharp!

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Death watched the cursed boy leave, "I will find a way to help you," and with that he left ...


Maka woke up the next morning and was surprised to see Naruto up already, "Hey Naruto! You don't have to make breakfast." She said as he flipped a pancake.

"It's no problem. Besides, I needed to relax a little. How would you like yours?" asked the blonde who was out of his old tattered clothes and into a pair of plain blue pants with a black T-shirt. He even got rid of the gloves and boots so he got a regular pair of shoes from Soul.

"Oh, I think we have some chocolate chips!" She jumped onto a stool and looked in the cabinets. "Ah ha! Found some! Wow, your up too Soul-... or not." Both Maka and Naruto sweat dropped as Soul walked out of his room, grabbed two pancakes and sat at the table while eating ... all while being in a deep sleep.

Naruto shook his head and fixed up as plate for himself and Maka before sitting down, "Thanks for letting us stay here." He said as Kyu jumped onto the table and nibbled at a small pancake Naruto made for him.

"It's no trouble at all! I'm happy we could help ... how did you get cursed? If you don't mind my asking."

"No, I don't mind ... I came from a village of ninja called Konoha, but I was banished for some reason." said Naruto sadly.

The meister gasped, "Why would they banish you?"

"The day I was born a demon attacked Konoha and the only why to stop it was to seal it away ... in a newborn." He mumbled.

"So they believed that you were the demon and banished you? That's stupid of them." She growled angrily as she munched on her breakfast.

The blonde smiled, he was relieved, "Yeah ... anyway, I found myself running from a group of ninjas who were after vessels like me. After getting away I tried to change my clothes so it would be difficult for them to find me, but I wandered into a swamp where the witch lived ... she tricked me into agreeing to search for some items. If I knew she was an actual witch I would've made a run for it ... so what's the D.W.M.A. all about?"

"The D.W.M.A. or Death Weapon Meister Academy is a place where demon weapons like Soul and Meisters like me can train and learn together. It's a school to learn how to fight evil souls, witches and kishin to keep the world in balance." explained Maka as she munched on her pancakes.

"Kishin?" asked Naruto.

Maka grinned, "Oh right, a kishin is a god like creature born from devouring to many souls from innocent people ... hey, since Lord Death didn't say when you should meet why don't you come to class with us? My friends and I can come help you train."

Naruto nodded "sounds great, I was told to train and figure out everything about my powers so I can tell if I accidently change time. So when's your class?"

"Ummm ... right now! Soul, wake up. Let's go!" yelled Maka as Naruto and Kyu followed after her.

Soul opened his eyes and yawned, "How'd I get out here?" He shrugged and grabbed another pancake before leaving.


Tsunade bolted out of her seat as Jiraiya came through her window, "Have you found him? What's this about a message?"

Jiraiya frowned, "When I stopped at the training caves with the others we activated a seal that was left by Naruto. He was being attacked-" Jiraiya leaned on desk and figures appeared. "What the hell- ... it's a recording seal. Tsunade come here."

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