Seals and Alchemy

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"You're welcome, now go. You know how to contact me and that will work no matter where she sends you." The blonde nodded and disappeared into the vortex. "I will find you, Kurokumo. You had a lot of fun parading these poor souls in front of me, but with Naruto's help this sick cycle will end."


The blonde screamed as he was spat out of the vortex in the dead of night and landed on a street ... Naruto slowly sat up and winced as his back cracked, "Ok Kyu, let's see what Kurokumo wants now." The fox popped out of the pocket and onto his shoulder as he pulled out the papers.

Destination: Amestris


200 diamonds

60 bricks of gold


Naruto blinked, "How am I supposed to get all that? Rob a bank?!" He sighed and wandered through the streets with only the streetlights lighting his way through the darkness. As he pondered how to complete his tasks he turned a corner and saw a couple of people in a phone booth trying to call someone, but that wasn't working. A man and a woman both in some sort of military uniform ...

The man suddenly turned and held a knife to the woman's throat. Normally the ninja would've stepped in by now, but something seemed off. Maybe it's because he couldn't sense a soul in the woman. Even in the dark Naruto could see the woman laugh as she turns to the man and makes a mole appeared under her left eye. The man slashes her throat and turns to leave, but as his back is turned the woman gets back up and changes into a different woman. Naruto watched as the woman lets the man notice her and shoots him with her gun ...

Kyu and Naruto ran over to help, but the woman ran before he could get there, "Screw it, I'll get her later." He knelt down next to the bloody unconscious man as he unsealed a canteen of water. With a quick mental thank you to Katara for teaching him a little healing water bending he set to work doing what he could to help. Minutes ticked by and finally Naruto smiled. "He'll be ok ... but what now? I don't know where he lives or what that woman was or who her allies are and it's night." He spotted a building that doesn't look like it has been used in a while and made some clones to carefully carry him there ...


"There has to be something we can do to help." Tsunade said as she looked out towards the village from the top of the hokage mountain.

Jiraiya tapped his chin in thought, "I would suggest trying to find this 'witch' who cursed Naruto, but we don't know how this curse works ... she could kill him by using the curse even from a distance for all we know or what if we find the witch she might trap Naruto in whatever world he's in, then what? If he still had the toads we could try that, but that's out."

Tsunade felt tears prickle her eyes, "Why does this keep happening? I want my family to be together for once." The toad rubbed his friend's back as she sniffled quietly.

Kakashi approached the pair, "Ummm hokage-sama, was there any news from Naruto?"

"Yes there was." said Jiraiya with a smile. "He told me to do this," he raised the middle finger at the jonin.

"That doesn't seem like Naruto." said Kakashi dismissively.

"How would you know? You only spent a few minutes training him. Hell, you didn't even bother trying to find him when he was banished! You spent all your time with Sasuke, now your precious student is gone so you can pretend to give a shit-"

"That's not it!" Kakashi snapped.

The toad sage glared, "Then what is it? Why did Naruto know only tree walking when I met him? Why didn't you help train him during the chunin exams too? Why did you stay in the hospital with Sasuke as Naruto was forced to leave?"

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