Highs and Lows

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"HOLY SHIT! IT'S A VORTEX!" They both screamed and then something dropped out of the vortex. "IT'S A KID!"


Kurama sighed as a few math geeks were pestering him to join the math team again when Kuwabara ran around the corner of the street, "FINALLY I FOUND YOU! Yusuke and I need your help!" He grabbed Kurama's hand and was about to drag the former fox demon away until a math geek stepped in his way ...

"You can't take Shuichi! He's going to join our math team and help us get girlfriends-" he geeks became quiet as a tick mark popped up on Kuwabara's head.

"I need his help taking care of an unconscious kid we found abandoned in an alleyway so whose problem do you think seems more urgent?" The team of geeks immediately stepped aside and the pair took off, but Kuwabara called back over his shoulder. "You know, your girlfriend issue might have something to do with you wasting a weekend talking about math. Get a hobby!"

Kurama laughed at the comment as they made their way to Yusuke's home, "Thanks for that. So what is going on?"

"I have no idea where to begin ... Yusuke and I stopped at an arcade in town and we heard something really weird. We went to check it out and there was a ... portal floating in the alley behind the arcade ... this kid fell out of it and he was out cold, but that isn't the only thing ... he has something on him ... it's a spider like mark thing."

"I take it this isn't a normal tattoo." said Kurama as they made a turn and came towards Yusuke's apartment.

"Not unless tattoos move, cause intense pain and give off some foul energy ... and I think ... it's trying to eat his soul." stated the orange haired teen seriously.

"What?" Kurama gasped as Kuwabara opened the door, but just as they walked in Yusuke came running into the hall.

"Kuwabara this kid ..." Yusuke paused to take a quick breath, but in that fraction of a second Kuwabara and Kurama started to think the worst, "is a five star chef!" Both Kurama and Kuwabara face planted.

"Dammit Yusuke! Don't scare me like that! For a second I thought you were going to say he was dead or something!" Kuwabara snapped with a large tick mark pulsing on his temple.

Yusuke sweat dropped, "Not my fault you got carried away, but if we don't hurry he will die. You guys should hear this. Looks like that vision you had about that spider was only part of it." The spirit detective lead them to the living room where a delicious spread of food was waiting and a blonde kid was sitting on the couch watching a fox play with a kitten.

"Eikichi! Where'd that fox come from?" yelped Kuwabara as he tried to grab the fox, but ended up falling on the ground as the fox zipped between his legs and perched on the blonde kid's head.

"Kyu is very nice. He wouldn't hurt your cat." The fox yipped cutely at them and jumped down on the floor where the kid placed a little plate of fish. "I'm Naruto by the way. Thanks for letting me stay here while I was unconscious." said Naruto.

"No problem, you're lucky we found you." commented Yusuke as Kuwabara popped some food in his mouth.

"Damn, this is good!" exclaimed the orange haired teen.

Kurama looked at the food curiously and sampled some ... his eyes widened, "Amazing ...oh I'm Kurama ... you're a great cook for someone so young. Who taught you?"

"A cook on a pirate ship." stated Naruto casually.

Kuwabara sweat dropped, "Very funny."

"He's not kidding, you guys. Just listen to what he has to say." said Yusuke making both his friends raise their eyebrows in curiosity.

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