Some People Shouldn't Drink Espresso

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"Ummm excuse me." Naruto turned and paled ... he saw a blonde haired kid with blue eyes, it was a mini fourth hokage!


"Errr ... hi? I'm Naruto." Naruto had no idea what else to say.

"Hi, I'm Minato." He smiled politely, but then Minato's eyes widened. "Oh right, you're standing on my sensei."

Naruto blinked and looked down to see white hair under his feet, "Sorry old man!" He yelped as he jumped off the guy's head. He heard grumbling coming from the ditch and he was sure that it was a string of curse words just for him. Kyu popped out of the pocket and yipped. "You're right, Kyu! We should go!" Out of sheer panic Naruto used one of his favorite techniques ... the air scooter ...

"Wow, that's cool!" exclaimed Minato as he watched the newcomer zip away on a ball of air ... he looked down at his motionless sensei and back towards where the other blonde disappeared ... he nodded and took off after the other kid ...


"Ok ... we really need to be careful. What's on the list?" wondered Naruto as he pulled out the witch's papers ...



Cliffside flowers

Snake mushrooms

Giant barrel fish

"Flowers that grow on a deadly cliff side or a man eating fish or mushrooms surrounded by poisonous snakes. Where to start?- ..." Naruto groaned as he sensed the future hokage not too far away. "Oooooh this is bad." He bolted for the forest and jumped through the trees as fast as he could. "Ok I think we lost him." He looked down and saw a large amount of tall grass. "Well since we're here, guess it's mushrooms first. Stay here, Kyu."

The little fox watched from the tree branch as Naruto jumped down to the ground and searched the grass for mushrooms. A little bit of fire bending was all he needed to scare away the snakes hiding in the grass so he could grab what he came for. After grabbing a handful of mushrooms he placed them on the witch's papers where they vanished. Naruto twitched as he sensed someone coming close ...

"Hey! You shouldn't be down there!"

(Crap ... how did he find me so quickly? ... damn I think I remember something about him being a sensor too.) He thought as he saw Minato standing next to a nervous Kyu. "Yeah, I know. I just needed to get something." When he jumped up to the same branch Kyu jumped into his arms. "... Kyu, what's wrong?"

Minato pouted slightly, "I don't think he likes me."

"I can't imagine why." (Other than the fact that you sealed him into me ... I mean will seal him into me. Time travel is confusing ... wait, his soul wavelength ... I didn't notice before, but it's like mine. Death said that only people who are related have similar wavelengths ... but that means ... he's my Dad?)

"Are you ok, Naruto?" asked Minato as he saw Naruto looking at him strangely and with a hint of what looked like tears in his eyes.

"Yeah ... yeah I'm fine ... why are you following me?" asked Naruto as he wiped his eyes.

"I wanted to see that technique you used before if that's ok? It gave me some ideas for a jutsu."

"You mean my air scooter? Yeah sure." He jumped up and formed a ball of air under him.

"Thanks, if I'm right I can make this into a very powerful jutsu that won't require hand signs." said the future hokage as he inspected the ball of air.

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