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Naruto waved to them, turned away and did something. They could no longer see Naruto, but moments later a translucent dome cloaked the entire land of Whirlpool and soon after everything inside exploded ...


"They are so pissed at me." Naruto chuckled as he waved to Itachi and Torune as Fawkes flew them away to safety. "I better be careful. They seriously look like they might strangle me ... maybe I should go ahead and give them time to cool off first." He pondered as he turned towards the buildings making up his ancestral home. "I took anything valuable or historical in any way and took pictures. The Uzumakis won't be forgotten and ... I believe they would be proud of this trap I set."

A series of hand signs later Naruto's hands glowed black and blue. He crouched down and waited until he sensed every ROOT ninja was in range. Once they were he touched the ground beneath his feet. The ground throughout the complex glowed brightly with seals and Naruto stepped back as a barrier rose out of the border of the massive seal array ...

"Goodbye." Naruto said and snapped his fingers. An enormous explosion ripped through the inside of the barrier. The powerful barrier was unyielding therefore forcing all the energy from the blast upward where a hole appeared leaving Naruto perfectly safe as an army was annihilated right next to him. However, Naruto sensed something wrong the second the seal network was triggered ...

"Damn got away." He sighed, ignoring the blast. The blast was laced with his wavelength ripping the souls straight from all their bodies so even those claiming to be immortals were dead. Some may call it overkill, but it's best to cover all bases. Naruto waited for everything to settle back down before dropping the barrier. With a little earth bending he buried the small number of remains left behind, but was more focused on watching the souls disappear into the sky. It reminded him of several things ...

Tracking down homunculi with Ed and Al ...

The witch Kurokumo ...

That first night in the Gryffindor dorm where he asked Harry if he knew about the soul fragment of some evil guy embedded in his scar. The borderline panic attack told him no so the ninja popped the soul sliver out and sealed it into a scroll. He left it with Harry since his specialty was intact souls not slivers of them, but when Fawkes returned he found a way to contact other worlds not just Death and Maka. Apparently, the soul sliver was a horcrux. Forbidden sin against nature and a pain to pronounce so you know it's bad ...

Almost there, it was nearly over. Danzo, of course, had to be dealt with, but that was not his main concern. It just so happens the one who got away was the Akatsuki member that had a similar soul wavelength to Itachi and Sasuke.

An Uchiha ... most likely the one who attacked Konoha the second time using poor Kyu as a weapon against his will ...

"I'll deal with him soon. After all, he has to get me if he wants the demons." Naruto shrugged unconcerned and apparated back to his ship. Naruto paled slightly as he saw Itachi and Torune glaring at him from the kitchen window next to Fawkes who was on his perch ... he should've used a stronger stunning spell or knocked them out with his haki or anything stronger plus a sleeping potion ...

Itachi pointed to the kitchen table, "Sit down and start talking."

"Ok, ok." Naruto chuckled nervously and took a seat. Kyu hopped onto his lap and curled up as the explanation as to why he separated them from the fight began. "First off there was no need for you guys to risk yourselves getting hurt for no reason. I had the trap set-"

"Trap? Going head first against the Akatsuki and getting surrounded by ROOT agents isn't a trap! It's a death wish!" exclaimed Torune with a scolding tone.

The Banishing ActOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz