300 Souls

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Kyu burst into flames and crushed the spider under his paw making Kurokumo scowl and Naruto chuckle. "I'll kill you myself!" The witch vanished and reappeared holding Naruto in the air by his neck. "Any last words?" She squeezed making the blonde gag ...


Naruto choked as his throat was squeezed again. Kurokumo leaned in with a cruel smirk thinking he was trying to say his last words, "You ... are too slow." The blonde in her hands and his horse sized fox with two tails both vanished in puffs of smoke.

"What the hell? How can he even move? He should be half dead!" The witch gaped in shock, but her shock quickly gave way to anger and she looked around the area. White flashes of lights and moisture drew her attention. In a rage she dashed towards the lights, but what she saw made her stop in her tracks. Naruto and his large fluffy friend were standing next to a tall mirror that was all fogged up from a steam that shouldn't be there in her world. A spark of fear jolted down the witch's system as she saw the boy writing a familiar set of numbers on the foggy mirror ...

"42-42-564 if you ever want to knock on Death's door." Naruto hummed as he drew the numbers in the mirror.

"NO!" shrieked the witch and she charged the blonde with every intention of killing him before he got to the number 5. Kyu, however, had no intention of letting her get close. The fox growled and rammed his furry body against her sending the witch sprawling to the foul dead ground. Kurokumo scrambled to her feet, but she was too late.

With one final swipe of his finger the last '4' was completed and the tall form of Death appeared with his large blocky gloved hands and goofy skull mask. Despite his child friendly outfit he definitely struck Naruto as being very serious compared to before when they first met. The reaper came out of the mirror and stood next to the blonde ninja. The witch snarled and backed away.

"299 ... 299 lives you cursed and paraded passed me." stated Death with untold amounts of anger laced into his tone. "This ends today."

Kurokumo stepped back again, but then paused. A smug smirk spread across her lips and she put her hands on her hips, "You're in my world so what do you think you can do to me?" Her chest puffed out as confidence filled her. "In your world you might have been a threat, but your weapons can't go through mirrors like you and without your precious death scythes you're nothing to fear." She laughed harshly, "and besides, I made this world so I can warp to a different world in a blink of an eye and since I erased the memories of those ninjas no can come to help." Naruto shot her a glare, he was pissed that she would mess with his friend's minds.

"You do have an amazing ability to run away." remarked Death cheerfully. The backhanded compliment made Kurokumo snarl at the reaper. "It would be impossible for me to catch you if you were able to get away." Death noticed that Naruto was crouching on the ground and examining the red earth beneath them. "Something of interest, Naruto?"

"The dirt smells." Naruto commented trying to keep his body standing as he scooped up some of the dirt into his right hand and let his fingers feel the dirt. The ninja let the earth tumble to the ground and glared at the witch. "We only brought up the 299 souls, but what happened to the bodies?" Naruto said, doing a good job at not sounding as weak as he felt. Death's eyes narrowed and shot Kurokumo a scathing glare as his power flared.

"Waste not want not, right? Fear riddled bodies make great fertilizer for my plants." She gestured the dead trees surrounding them. "Don't I have an excellent green thumb?" She laughed and stomped cruelly on the ground. Kyu yelped and burst into flames reverting back to his smallest size. The fox hopped onto the mirror Death came through, bowed his head respectfully and put his two front paws together as if praying for the people who died ... and were stepped on ...

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