➰Chapter Fifty-eight➰

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Chapter Fifty-eight

"From everything I've heard, my mother suffered in silence for years. She didn't get the help she needed."

Leah shook her head. "I'm glad you're willing to recognize that you need help. But I don't think you need that kind of help. Either way, we'll figure it out."

"I'm actually thinking of going to the City of Bones for treatment," Jace admitted. "They have a history of helping Shadowhunters with mental health issues."

"Yeah, that's a terrible idea. What if something else, something much more serious is going on with you?" Leah questioned. "I mean, bringing you back seems to be what triggered all of this. I don't think that's a coincidence."

"I think it might have been a trigger for something that has always been there," Jace replied patiently. "If there's a chance that this might help..."

"What if it doesn't? All you'd do is get benched for good. The Clave would deem you unfit for your job. You could be deruned—"

"What other choice do I have? I can't live like this."

"Maybe I could talk to the Angel," Leah suggested, but Jace shook his head immediately.

"That's too dangerous. Raziel could destroy us for simply bothering him," Jace said, sighing. "Even if his blood runs through your veins."

"Alright, maybe you have a point. But what about Ithuriel? You have a connection to him that might compel him to help us. He has done it before," Leah recalled, remembering her most recent encounter with the angel, back in Idris. "If the wish had anything to do with this, maybe he'd know how to help us."

"What are you going to do? Text him?"

Leah sighed. "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out."


"Leah! I didn't expect to see you here," Luke said, as soon as she walked into his NYPD office with a box of donuts. "Donuts?"

"Don't cops like these in real life?"

"This cop does," Luke said, taking a chocolate covered donut from the box and taking a bite from it. "So, what do you need?"

"What? Why do you assume that I need something?"

Luke snorted. "Because Clary brings me sugary treats whenever she wants to ask me for something she thinks I might say no for."

Leah sighed, hating the fact that he was right. "Fine. So... I need to talk to your sister."


Leah shook her head. "Cleophas. I need to talk to an Iron Sister, and it can't be in the Citadel."

"What's this about?" Luke asked, looking concerned. Leah pursed her lips nervously. Luke raised an eyebrow. "Kiddo, it's me. I've known you since you were born. You can tell me anything."

Leah sighed, taking a seat in front of him. She knew that Jace had warned her not to tell anybody, but she was too scared of losing him to keep the secret any longer. She wished she could go to her mom for help, but the closest thing she had to a parent now as Luke. If she couldn't trust him with this, then she couldn't really trust anyone.

"Leah?" Luke insisted. "You're starting to worry me."

"Back in Lake Lyn, when we were fighting Valentine... Jace wasn't just injured. Valentine had actually killed him in front of me and Clary."

"What?!" Luke asked, clearly shocked to hear this.

Leah took a deep breath before continuing. "Valentine had managed to summon the Angel, and he revealed that the vial that Jocelyn had injected me with, back when I was a baby, had been a vial of Raziel's blood. He told me I could ask him for anything, and seeing Jace lying there, lifeless, in my arms... I did the only thing I could do."

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