➰Chapter Sixty➰

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Chapter Sixty

Leah was woken up by two maidens the next morning, who brought her a red gown and a water bowl. She knew what was about to happen, and for once, she decided to keep quiet through the whole thing, even when these two strangers undressed her and bathed her and braided her hair, putting her in a gown so that it would be easier to bury her body after she was executed. It was an eerie thought, she realized, but she wished that it were Isabelle and Clary instead, helping her get ready for some event or party, like the old times.

She wondered if they'd even be notified after it happened. Isabelle would know for sure, as her parabatai rune would immediately disappear. She drew comfort in the fact that, at least, the Clave had nothing to accuse her loved ones with, as she was escorted to the execution area in the Gard. It was a big plaza-like space in the middle of the prison, where several Silent Brothers and Consul Penhallow awaited her patiently.

"Every month, the Gard holds a culling for its death row inmates. Today, you all have been chosen," Jia spoke, as Leah and some other inmates were lined up in the middle of the plaza. "Charles Freeman, ascend."

Well, that was an unfortunate name, Leah thought, unable to fight her wicked sense of humor. Given the fact that she was about to be executed, she didn't really feel bad for it, since it would probably be the last chance she got to find humor in anything.

"You are guilty of colluding against the Clave with former Consul Malachi Dieudonné and of killing 12 Clave soldiers. Do you have any last words?"

"Long live the Circle," Freeman said, receiving cheering from the inmates behind Leah.

"Turn and meet your fate," Penhallow ordered, as Freeman turned around proudly. "May the Angel have mercy."

A Silent Brother pointed some mysterious spear at Freeman, before a fire started right under him, burning him alive. Freeman's screams filled the area, and Leah watched in horror as his body scorched completely and unexplicably.

Surprisingly, it took Jia Penhallow until nightfall to get through almost all of the inmates accompanying Leah. Most of them where members of the Circle, but some were also murderers and psychos. Leah couldn't help but feel that she definitely didn't deserve to be among them, as she hadn't really hurt anyone with her actions. Well, not directly or on purpose, anyway.

"Trevor Hayes. You are guilty of violent assault on 13 Mundanes..." Jia spoke, but Leah's attention was drawn by someone else whispering her name.

"Hey, Rollins. Is that you?" Leah turned to meet with none other than Iris Rouse, the woman who'd tried to kill her and her friends on multiple occassions. Understandably, she tensed. "Relax. The cuffs supress warlock abilites. I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to, not that I would."

"You tried to impregnate my little sister with a demon," Leah retorted.

"Not my finest moment. I heard what you did. Stopping Valentine's wish. You don't deserve this," Iris said, surprising Leah.

"No one deserves to die like this," Leah said, as they heard Trevor's screams. "This is primitive, even for the Clave."

"Not even barbarians were this cruel," Iris agreed. "After everything I've done, this is how it ends. Burned at the stake for not doing magic."


"Consul moved up my execution because I refused to perform a spell for her."

Leah rolled her eyes in disbelief. "The Clave hires warlocks all the time. Why ask you?"

"Because necromancy is my specialty. But even I know no good would come from resurrecting Valentine Morgenstern."

Leah gasped. Resurrecting her father? Why on Earth would Jia Penhallow want Iris to bring him back? Especially after that whole 'Shadowhunters sacrifice everything' speech?

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