➰Chapter Sixty-four➰

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Chapter Sixty-four

They walked on the pier together, just as Jace handed her a rose he plucked from a nearby flower cart.

Leah frowned. "Uh... Thanks, but I think we're supposed to pay for those."

"There was no one there to stop me," Jace retorted.

"Yeah, but that man makes a living out of selling these," Leah said, raising her eyebrow. "Let's not be those people."

Jace chuckled slightly. "You're right. I'm sorry. I think you bring out a strange side around me."

Leah snorted. "Why, gee, thanks."

"You look so much like Clary..." Jace started, before leaning forward and kissing her harshly, making Leah slightly push him back.

"Woah. What was that about?" Leah frowned.

"Sorry. Did I do something wrong?"

Leah sighed, shaking her head. "It's probably just me. I'm kind of hungry."

"Of course. I'm so stupid. I've been dragging you all over the city," Jace said, smiling at her. "How about we get some food?"

Leah decided that this could be the perfect opportunity to figure out if her hunch was right. "You know... I think I would be down for some oysters. Know any places?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." Jace replied, smiling. "Let me go get you something to drink in the meantime."

"Sure," Leah smiled, as she watched walk to a pretzel cart and wiped the smile from her face.

Her Jace knew about her allergies. This man was an impostor, and she had a pretty good idea of who he was. She immediately deactivated her Antitracking rune with her stele, quickly enough so that he wouldn't notice. She took her phone from her pocket and speed dialed her parabatai.


"Izzy, I'm at the Promenade with Jonathan. He glamoured himself to look like Jace. He's trying to impersonate him."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just disgusted, but I'll manage. Go see if you can find Jace at the skating rink in Chelsea," Leah whispered. "He could be in trouble."

"I'll go looking for him and then I'll track you down. You can use the Somnus rune."

"But that will only knock him out for a couple of minutes."

"That's more than enough time to take him into custody."

"Who's that?" Jonathan asked, as he approached Leah with a water bottle.

"See you later!" She forced a smile as she hung up, turning to him. "It was Alec. Asking me about a report. But I told him about our birthday thing and he let me take the day off."

"I guess I owe him one. Come on, let's go."


"Alright, what's with the secrecy? Where are we going?" Leah asked, as they approached a seemingly old building, where she assumed the apartment was parked.

"If you want me to, I'll ruin your surprise," Jonathan replied with a smile. "It's an old library I heard about, full of first edition copies of your favorite authors."


"Are you alright? You seem a little on edge."

Just as he said that, Clary ran up to them, followed by others, before knocking Jonathan on the floor as Leah took her stele out of her pocket and prepared herself to draw the Somnus rune.

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