➰Chapter Sixty-six➰

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Chapter Sixty-six

"Well, Alec's brooding more than usual," Leah said, as she, Clary and Jace slowly walked among the street, trying to find the Drevak's nest. "Is he alright?"

"I can't tell you," Jace said, making Leah raise an eyebrow.

"So you're admitting that something's wrong. Come on... Who am I going to tell?" Leah nudged his shoulder, as they briefly glanced at Clary, who was walking ahead of them, trying to concentrate on the demon hunt.

"Okay, fine. But you can't tell anyone."

"My lips are sealed."

"Alec was going to propose to Magnus," Jace whispered, making Leah squeal. "Hey, you promised to not tell anyone."

"Sorry. I'm just so happy about this. We haven't had good news like this in quite some time," Leah admitted.

"Guys, I think I'm onto something," Clary called out, as they quickly walked behind her, entering what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse.

How many of these are there in New York?, Leah thought, while she pulled her spear out and cautiously walked inside, pulling Jace's witchlight with her other hand and using its light to guide herself.

Jace raised an eyebrow. "You still have that thing?"

"Do you want it back?"

"Maybe later," he replied, but Leah wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. They scanned the damp, dark warehouse, while Leah scrunched her noise at the awful smell it wreaked. "Well, don't say I never take you anywhere nice."

"Wait," Clary stopped in front of what seemed to be a bunch of vines randomly tangled together in the middle of the building.

"Those are Drevak eggs. The queen must be nearby," Jace commented, but Leah was certain she could've lived a happy, plentiful life without knowing what a Drevak egg looked like.

Sudenly, they were surprised by a tall, gruesome creature that looked like an over grown cockroach with creepier anthropomorphic features. It sliced its long arms in Jace and Leah's direction, successfully separating them from Clary.

Leah groaned, as she watched Clary flying out of her sight, right into a wall. "CLARY!"

"Leah..." She heard her call faintly.

She managed to stand up and slice at the demon with her spear in dagger form, aided by Jace, who kicked at it, knocking it back for long enough that Leah was able to stab it into oblivion. Just as their past rival disintegrated into dust, they were approached by a much more hideous, centipede-meets-Jabba-the-Hut-looking beast, that hissed at them, baring its fangs.

"You're on our way, Your Highness," Jace mocked, as he and Leah stepped into a fighting position, in time to be aided by one of Alec's familiar arrows. "You're late."

Alec rolled his eyes at him, as another demon sprouted from the queen's ichor. "Better late than never."

Jace and Alec managed to fend off both demons, successfully getting rid of both, as Leah hurried to Clary, helping her up worriedly. "Clary, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For leaving you here," Leah sighed. "It won't happen again."

"Leah, don't go all Mama Bear on me, alright? It literally was just a few minutes."

Alec sighed. "You three go ahead back to the Institute."

"What about you?" Leah raised an eyebrow.

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