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Eventually, he had to wake himself up to start a new day. He'd never forgotten her face, her eyes, her smile... But recently, he'd found himself dreaming about her much more frequently, her smile lighting the entire world, her back framed by golden angel wings. But he always woke up, to yet another day of fighting to live in a world that would make her proud, a world where she would never live again.

He decided to not skip breakfast that day, which was fortunate, since Isabelle awaited him with a smile. "Jace."

"Hey, Iz," he replied, sitting across her on the table. Lately, he had grown closer to his sister than ever before, partially because she was no longer there, and partially because they were the only two left living in the Institute. Well, them and Max, who had grown up into quite a remarkable seventeen-year-old. "I thought you had to go to Alicante today."

Isabelle shook her head. "Alec and Magnus told me that they were way too busy to meet with me this week, so I'd better head there next week. You know... The offer's still up, if you want to join me and Simon. I don't want you to stay here on your own."

"I'm not on my own. I have Max and Mina, don't I?" Jace smiled.

It had been a tough fight, but the New York Institute had proudly accepted the challenge to recruit Downworlder deputees who'd help them fight the demonic threat, side-by-side. It was a new system introduced, mainly supported by the new Inquisitor, Alec Lightwood, but enforced by many Shadowhunters all over the world. Mina had been the first Seelie recruit, and Jace gladly offered to help her train. She and Max were very close, which only made Jace happier to help her join their forces.

"Yes, but you're not seventeen-years-old like them. You're an adult now, Jace. You have to start thinking about yourself," Isabelle calmly replied, reaching out over the table to hold his hand.

He sighed. "I can't move on, Izzy. Not yet."

"She would've wanted you to be happy," Isabelle said, and he knew she was right. "We all want you to be happy."

"Thanks, but I'm staying," Jace declared, to which she simply nodded, knowing well that it was pointless to debate any further.

"Clary called. She says she's looking forward to visiting soon," Isabelle commented, digging into her omelet. "I'm glad she's done with her trials and is an official Sister now."

"I know. I think we're all very proud of her," Jace said, smiling. "Luke and Maryse must be beyond excited about the ceremony."

"They are. Which is what I wanted to talk to you about," Isabelle said, as she took a sip from her coffee. "I wanted to throw her a goodbye party, you know, before she has to leave for the Citadel for good. We may never see her again after that."

Jace nodded. "Sounds good to me."

The rest of the day went more or less like every other day for the past two years of his life: he trained, he ate, he forced a few smiles. But it wasn't until late at night, while he was on his own, that he truly felt the loneliness overcome him. He would pull the witchlight from his side drawer and watch as it light up in his grasp, imagining that some part of the woman he loved remained inside it, lighting up his face the same way she did.

But it wasn't enough to just imagine that she was still here. His heartache, instead of dimming, only grew as time went by. Of course he'd held on to hope that she'd be back to him at some point. But even Isabelle was certain that she was really gone, as her parabatai mark had disappeared for good. It was too hard to accept the truth, but it also seemed hopeless to hold on to her for long. Leah had been the best thing to have walked into his life, and the worst thing to have lost.

He took a deep breath, before hiding the witchlight inside his pocket and grabbing her dagger, which he always took with him. He headed out of his bedroom, deciding that he couldn't let himself fall under his grieving heart for too long. He had a promise to keep, and he wouldn't let anything get in his way, even his own heartbreak.

"Jace!" Max greeted him, as soon as he saw him walk into the Armory.

"Max. Mina," Jace nodded toward them, as they straightened up, awaiting for his instructions. "We have a somewhat easy assignment for tonight. Are you guys ready?"

"Always," Max smiled. "Isabelle already explained the details to me, including the location. She did say though, that you wouldn't want to come."

"Why is that?"

"Because it's in Pandemonium."

Jace didn't expect to hear that. He couldn't hide the hurt in his face, he realized, by the pitiful looks both teenagers gave him.

"It's fine, Jace. We can go on our own," Mina suggested, but Jace shook his head.

"No. You're still in training. I have to go," Jace cleared his throat. "Let's go."

He gripped the hilt of the dagger all the way to the nightclub. The last time he'd gone there, his life had changed forever. He'd met the one person he'd never forget, the one person he'd love for the rest of his life. It's where everything started, and now that it had ended, he dreaded going back. But things hadn't really ended, he reminded himself, at least not for everyone else.

The nightclub was as crowded as always. Jace gestured for both students to follow him in, as he pushed past the people blocking his way. He couldn't help but feel his stomach sink with each step he took, but he knew he had to stay focused, as much as it hurt.

He hadn't realized he'd lost Max and Mina until it was too late, and he was surrounded by a bunch of random strangers. He frowned, as he searched for his brother desperately. His eyes finally landed on them. He hurried past all the people and walked up to them, surprised by the scene that awaited him.

"What's going on here?" He asked. Max stood there, helping some other boy hold a random, black-haired girl who seemed unconscious.

"I don't know," Max replied honestly.

"Please, you have to help her," the other boy pleaded, and Jace finally recognized the boy as Walter, one of the newest, youngest members of Maia's werewolf pack. "That thing... It just appeared."

Jace frowned, as Walter pointed to the Angelic rune on her wrist, making absolutely no sense. This girl didn't look like Nephilim, and it was strange that she had seemingly survived getting runed with no immediate explanation.

"A Mundane with a rune?" Mina questioned, her platinum blonde hair reflecting the club's colorful lights. "But that's impossible."

"I've learned that nothing's impossible the hard way," Jace retorted with a sigh. "We have to take her back to the Institute."

The girl slightly tilted her head to look at Max, barely able to open her eyes. "Am I going to die?"

Max smiled back at her. "I won't let that happen."


The Shadowhunters will return.

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