➰Chapter Sixty-two➰

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Chapter Sixty-two

"We need to talk," Jace said, entering Luke's small apartment with a hurry.

"Did you check those atmospheric readings?"



"You were right. I also spoke with Izzy, because I thought it was odd that she had taken the news about Clary and Leah so calmly. Turns out, she thinks the same as you. Her parabatai rune never disappeared. She helped me go through the data. The night we took out Lilith and the night Simon was at Church of Talto, there was the exact same drop in barometric pressure in both places. The apartment was on the move."

"Okay. Did you get another hit?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, same profile as both."


"The Ural Mountains, Siberia."

"So the apartment's still moving."

"It wasn't destroyed in the explosion. Clary and Leah could—"

"Could still be alive!" Luke finished happily.

"Luke, I owe you and apology. I was so close to giving up, but you never did. Thank you."


"I must say, I never thought I'd ever go to Paris. But now that I'm here, I really like it," Leah commented, as she and her two siblings strolled past Paris's oldest buildings.

"Feels like another century, doesn't it?" Jonathan agreed, seeming content that they were actually having a decent time.

Other than the occassional inaproppiate glance at Clary, Leah was surprised to see how well behaved her demon brother was acting. She could only hope it would last enough so that the others were able to find them, and the best way to do that was to make sure somebody spotted them now that they were in Paris.

"It's so peaceful," Clary said.

"Well, after everything we've been through, we deserve a little peace," Jonathan said. "Today, we're just three siblings in the most beautiful city in the world."

"I've always wanted to visit the Rodin Museum," Clary commented.

"Well, let's go then. We're in Paris, after all."

"Not a good idea, Leah. It's way too close to the Paris Institute," Jonathan said, shaking his head with disapproval.

"Well, we've got wigs on and everything. We could just be careful and go," Leah suggested.

"How about we get something to eat instead? I know a great café that serves the world's best hot chocolate."

Leah raised an eyebrow. "Hot chocolate?"

"Trust me."

They walked a few more streets until they decided to sit by the café Jonathan spoke about, while he ordered them some hot chocolate. Clary leaned forward, making sure he wouldn't be able to eavesdrop.

"How are we going to escape? He didn't fall for the Rodin Museum thing."

"Give me some time. I'll figure it out," Leah whispered back, just as their brother brought back some biscuits and their mugs.

Clary took a bite and moaned happily. "You weren't kidding, this place is good."

Jonathan chuckled. "You know, I could bring you another one if you want. You're attacking that like a wolverine."

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