True Love Always

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  Well yesterday was the wedding, and I believe you know what I found in my purse. Yeah, sweet right? Anyway, I don't know if that was the reason that I didn't sleep, but I couldn't stop my mind from thinking about it. When did he want me to call him? And why? Well obviously he wants to see me again, and well, I'm not objective to that. As long as it's strictly a platonic friendship.

  "Phoebe!" I heard being yelled from outside so, naturally, I looked out of my window and saw Patrice.

  "I do have a door ya know," I yelled down.

  "I knocked twice like twenty minutes ago,"

  "Ok I'll come down," I walked over to the door and opened it to see a very impatient Patrice.

  "Finally," she said and walked past me, and into my small condo.

"Hello to you too," I mumbled under my breath.

  Suddenly she started smiling big, "let's go to the coffee shop and meet up with everyone, except, obviously, Ellie and Dave."

  "Why?" I asked trying to seem interested.

"Obviously so we can talk about yesterday, now hurry up and get dressed," she insisted.

  "No thanks," I declared.

She glared at me, "don't make me tackle you and bite you," she said and I snickered.

  "Girl, you are skin and bones. What makes you think you can tackle me." And before I knew it she attacked me, and is now pinning me down.

  "So are you gonna go? Or do I need to bite you?"

  "Alright alright, get off me you animal," she did what I asked and freed me. I went in my room to get dressed. When I was done I jumped in her car and we went to the coffee shop. Well at least that's what she told me, but this didn't look like the way there.

  "Are you kidnapping me?" I asked, making her laugh evily.

  "Haha, of course not. What kind of friend would I be if I kidnapped you? I mean really I would never, EVER, EVER, tell you that I was taking you to the coffee shop but then really take you to the woods for a camping trip. No sir."

"Is that actually what your doing?"

She paused for a second then answered with, "maybe, maybe not, I don't know."

"I'll take that as a yes," I said. She was never good at keeping secrets. Chances are, if she was really excited about it, she would tell it immediately.

  "Well aren't you going to freak out?"

"Why do you think that?"

  "Well, no reason," which meant there was a reason, so I stared at her until she caved and told me.

  "Fine, fine. We wanted you to come but we thought if we told you then you would freak out because, well, you always freak out unless it's something indoors," she reasoned.

  "What? I so do not do that!" I was insulted.

  "Last year, Dave and Tom made you go play basketball with them and you-."

I cut her off, "yeah yeah, I know what I did," I crossed my arms in defeat. What she was going to say is that I grabbed a nearby skateboard, that a young boy owned, I snapped it in half with my knee, and threw one side at each of them. In result, the guys got some scars, and I had to buy the kid a new board. Yeah I might have some problems.

"So then you see my point." She smiled in satisfaction. Causing me to roll my eyes like a child.

"Wait a minute, earlier you said the word 'we'. Who all is 'we'?" I asked.

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