The End (42)

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A/N I hope you guys like it! Any predictions for what's going happen? Let me know if there is any grammar mistakes. Please comment and vote!❤❤❤

Olivia's POV December twenty-fouth

Lily Alexandra Rose was born on December twenty-fouth at 12:13 am. She eight point three pounds, she got her father's ocean blue eyes and my brown hair.

"She's beautiful." Elliot whispers caressing Lily's small head as I hold her.
"She is." I whisper back. "Can you bring the other ones in?" I ask.
"Yeah of course." He says.

He leaves my hospital to go find the others.

"Hi little Lily. I'm your Mommy. No matter what I'll always love you. Probably more than your Daddy. He's a good Daddy and he'll do anything with and for you. He's gone to get your siblings, aunt's and uncles. You have a lot of them, but they'll all love you and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you." I say as someone knocks on my door. "Come in." I say.
"Litteraly everyone is here." Elliot says letting them all in.
"Momma!" The kids exclaim rushing over towards me to see their new baby sister.
"She's so cute!" Maureen and Kathleen exclaim.
"You two did a good job with this one." Casey replies. We all chuckle a bit.
"You guys wanna hold her?" I quietly ask.
"Can I hold her first?" Kacee asks.
"Sure baby. Sit on the chair and Daddy will help you." I say and she climbs onto the chair.

Elliot gently takes Lily from my arms and places her in Kacee's small arms. A huge smile forms on Kacee's face.

"I love her so much Mommy!" Kacee exclaims.
"That's so sweet Kay." I say tearing up.
"Momma I'm tired." Eli declares climbing onto my bed. He snuggles up to me and falls asleep. The next thing I know Lily is being handed around and I'm falling asleep.

Elliot's POV

"Mike, you wanna hold her?" I ask.
"Uh, duh!" He exclaims. I hand Lily to him and peak over at my wife to notice Eli and her sleeping.
"Can somebody do me a favor?" I ask.
"I'll do it." Amanda volunteers.
"Thank you! Can you take the kids back to my place so they can actually sleep and then bring them back at noonish?" I ask.
"Sure. I'll take them now. Fin carry Eli down for me." She demands.

Fin goes over and gently picks up Eli as I hand Amanda my house and car keys. Amanda manages to get the kids to leave their baby sister and takes them home leaving Me, a sleeping Liv, Mike and a sleeping Lily, Cragen, Carisi, John, Fin, Alex, and Casey. Liv starts to wake up again. She wakes up.

"Liv go back to sleep." I say.
"No." She yarns. "Where is Lily?" She asks.
"Her uncle Mike has her and won't give her up." I say.

"I wanna hold my baby until the doctors come and take her for test." Liv says as Lily starts to cry.
"She's all yours Liv!" Mike says quickly but gently handing her to Olivia. A nurse comes in.
"She's ready for her feeding and after I'll take her down to get some test done." The nurse says.
"Well we're going to go home and sleep and get freshed up. We'll be back later today." Casey says.

Everyone leaves, leaving Liv, me and the baby. I sit beside my girls quietly watching the nurse talk Liv through how to help Lily latch on without hurting her mom. After about ten minutes the nurse takes Lily to go get some tests done.

"Hey El?" Olivia asks.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Sorry about having Christmas in a hospital." She laughs.
"I know that I and all the kids agree that this is the best Christmas we will ever have. You by far have given us the best gift anyone could ask for." I say. I kiss her on her lips, then on her forehead.
"That makes me feel better. Now lay beside me so I can fall asleep in your arms comfortably again." She smiles.

I lay beside my wife and she immediately snuggles up to me. Not even five minutes later she falls asleep and starts snoring lightly.

Christmas Day

Casey had managed to get the hospital to let her bring all the kids gifts to open them in Liv's room. Everyone even brought a gift for Lily. Our first Christmas day with Lily was spent by playing games with each other, a few tantrums from Lily, cuddling the baby, laughing and even with a small dinner.

A/N The end. I hope you enjoyed my first wattpad story.

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