Chapter 6 - Another God's Child?

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Alonso's Pov

I walk around the camp, pacing. I knew Osiris would be upset with me once he learned who I really was. I needed to leave the pack. I was the son of Ares. And if Osiris knew that, well let's just say bad things would happen. Knowing him, he would most likely convince Poseidon and Athena to take me instead of Athenalise. And knowing those two, they would. They need to make friends with Ares, since they helped the wrong side in the last war.

"You two could have been hurt!" I hear Sapphira yell. I could tell Osiris was getting chided. I listen in, frowning. "Mom, we are fine," Osiris says. "I don't care. You don't just attack a god. Do you understand me?" Sapphira says. "Yes mom," Osiris says and I hear a satisfied sigh come from Sapphira. I leave them to it and go back to pacing. That was, until Osiris walks in. "What's with the pacing, Alonso?" He asks. "Ahh... just thinking of someone," I say, smiling. "Of who?" Osiris asks. "Of...Bexley," I say. "You're lying," Osiris says. "No I'm not," I say, glaring. "Fine. Just get back to work," Osiris says. I nod, sighing. Osiris walks out and I close the door. I had gained some powers from my father, but since my mother was human, all I got was the ability to go see my father whenever I wanted, great fighting ability, and the power to create and start war. I hear the door open and see Raine walk in. "Alonso, there is trouble at the south end of the borders. Rouges attacked. Pups got hurt. Warriors got hurt," Raine says. I frown. "You need to tell Osiris, not me," I say. "Bring the wounded here. I can't do much there now can I?" I say as she runs off to tell Osiris.

They soon come back and 2 pups were wounded along with one warrior. Raine always did over exaggerate. I get to work, paying attention to the pups first. They only had a few scratches, but still. I then go to the warrior. It was Kapu. I frown, going to work quickly, putting a salve on his wounds. That wound heal him quicker.

Athenalise's Pov

There was an attack by the south end of the borders. I guessed it was sent from my loving parents. I sigh and go to do wedding planning. I had already chosen the dress. It was the first one in the books, but I knew from the start that it was the one. "Athenalise," Osiris says, walking in the room. "Is Kapu okay?" I ask. "Yes he will be fine. Have you decide a date for the wedding?" Osiris asks. "Yes," I say. "When?" Osiris asks. "July 18th," I reply. "Sounds lovely," Osiris says, kissing me lightly. I kiss him back, but pull away. He grabs my face. "What's wrong?" Osiris asks. "Nothing no worries," I say, making Osiris frown. "Ossy, I swear I'm fine," I say once again, kissing him. He smiles, kissing me back, biting my lip as he picks me up, carrying us to our room.

An hour later

Osiris Pov

I smile, staring at Athenalise who laughs, kissing me. She gets up and gets dressed and I sigh. "Come on just lay down," I say. "No, Osiris. I have a wedding to plan," Athenalise says. "Do I not get a say in what happens?" I ask. "Nope. The woman always knows best," She says, winking and walking out of the room. I shake my head and get up, getting ready. I walk around the pack and got lost in thought. I wanted to know what my future with Athenalise was. I call Bexley and wait for her to answer

"Hello?" Bexley says. "Hey, Bex. I need a favor," I say. "Okay go ahead. I'll do anything," Bexley says. "Meet me by your old spot. I need to ask you this in person," I say, knowing if I asked over the phone, she would rant about the repercussions. Even though I know she will do that anyways. "Alright...see you in 5," She says, hanging up. I sigh, running off to the river and jumping through the waterfall. Her space was still the same. I smile and wait for Bexley to arrive. And she soon does.

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