Chapter 7 - Future

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Osiris POV

I paced around, anxious for Bexley to get here. I knew she wouldn't want to do the favor I'm asking her, but I also know that, because we're so close, that she will want to help me in any way she can. I can hear footsteps approaching and I turn around and, seeing Bexley, run to her and hug her tightly. "Wow, Osiris are you ok?" she laughed, hugging me back. "I'm great. I've missed you, Bex," I say, smiling at her. "Even though we just saw each other like a few hours ago?" she teased, laughing. I playfully smacked her on the arm and laughed. "Oh shut up you know what I mean!" I laugh. "Yeah yeah," she smiled. "So.... what was the favor you needed from me?" she asked. I looked at her, realizing I had forgotten why I needed her here. "Oh um... " I thought. "Oh yeah!" I thought to myself, remembering. She looked at me, waiting for my response. "I need you to show me my future, Bexley," I say seriously, looking at her in the eyes to show her I wasn't kidding.

"You want me do what?!" she yelled. "You heard me, Bex. Please! I need to know!" I pleaded, which I don't usually do, so it made me slightly embarrassed, but I kept my position. "Osiris... I don't know if that's a good idea... I would love to help, but I don't know what it would do for you," she said, calmer than I thought she was going to be, turning away from me. I sigh, softly turning her to face me, but she wouldn't look at me. I make a soft growling sound, not threatening, but to get her attention, and she finally looks at me. "Please," I say, not even asking anymore. She seems to sense that I won't back down on the subject, and finally gives me an almost sad look. "Ok... fine I'll do it," she sighed. "But don't expect me to do this whenever you ask, Osiris. You got lucky this time," she said firmly, wagging her finger at me as if she was scolding a young child. I gave her a soft smile and hugged her. "Thank you, Bexley... you don't know how much this means to me," I say, still hugging her. "I know I know I'm amazing. Tell me something I don't already know," she said, dramatically flipping her hair in my face. "You're a bitch," I laughed. "Again! Tell me something I don't already know!" she laughed. "You're so annoying," I laughed. "I know," she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I suddenly grabbed her and started tickling her, knowing that she HATED being tickled. "O-Osris! S-stop!" she said in between laughs. "Never! Give up?" I teased, growling playfully as I continued to tickle her. "N-never!" she laughed. I finally let her go. "I guess I should stop considering you're doing me a favor... nah I'm just feeling nice today," I said, winking at her. She stuck her tongue out at me again. "Ha! Nice my ass," she growled at me, laughing. I laughed with her. It felt just like old times.
Like nothing ever changed.

After we had calmed down, we lit some candles and placed them in a circle around us. She told me to sit in the center and I did. "This feels like a seance..." I said, getting a bit nervous. "Well... it kind of is, but not that kind of seance," she explained, sitting down outside the circle. "Close your eyes and relax," she said. I closed my eyes and relaxed as best as I could. She started saying something, but I couldn't make out what exactly what it was. Suddenly, it felt like I was being hit by a brick on my temples. I scream in pain and grab my head, breathing heavily. When it finally stopped, I opened my eyes. The first thing I see was Athenalise and I at our wedding. She looked so beautiful. Then it went to another part of my life. Then I see Athenalise, but she was holding two babies. Our babies. I saw them and felt tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. But all of a sudden, all I see is blood. Blood was everywhere. I didn't know if it was mine or someone else's, but then I saw Athena and Poseidon with Athenalise. They were holding her and her hands were tied. She looked at me and started screaming for me. "OSIRIS!!" she screamed. Her voice rang in my ears as I suddenly felt the pain come back to my head. I scream again, with more pain in my voice, and faintly I heard Bexley's voice. I grabbed my head and started rocking, trying to get rid of the pain. "Osiris! Osiris answer me!" I faintly heard Bexley yell. The pain wouldn't go away and I started whimpering in pain, continuing to rock. "OSIRIS!" I heard Bexley yell, her voice full of worry. The pain subsided and I snapped my head towards her, tears streaming down my face, but before I could say anything, the pain came back so much stronger than before and I started seeing black spots cloud my vision.
Then everything went black.

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