Chapter 12 - Plans

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Poseidon's Pov

Fear pulsed through me as Osiris advanced towards me. I shake my head, standing up quickly, running to Athena, grabbing her hand, turning us into pure water and disappearing. I wouldn't let any harm come to her. And I wasn't about to lose our only bargaining chips. We were back in olympus where the prisoners were locked in a soundproof room. You could only hear others inside that room. I lay Athena down to rest and sit beside her, anger flowing through me. I hear Bexley start to wake up and I go to her. "You are the only one who can see the future. Not even us gods can do that. If you show it to me, I will let one of your brothers go each time you do. And after you run out of brothers, I will let you see a new part of olympus each time," I tell her and she frowns. "Fine," She says and I knew she only said that so her brothers could be free. "I need candles," She says and I go and grab some, lighting them. "I need to be unchained to do this," She says, but I frown. "Fine," I say, unchaining her, but I make water swirl around her feet so she had to walk she couldn't run or she would fall. She sighs, placing the candles in a circle. "Get in it," she says and I nod, sitting down. "This will hurt," she says and I groan, falling back in pain.

"Let me go!" Athenalise screams as I grabbed her. She was in a wedding dress. I held a knife to her stomach and she quieted I frowned, confused. "Are you pregnant?" I ask her. "No," She says too quickly, "YOU ARE!" I yell. "GET OFF HER!" Osiris yells. He was being held back by tree branches not even he could break through. We had a few nymphs help us keep him contained. "Osiris, I love you and so will our kids. I will come back to you," Athenalise says as I pulled her to the water. "Oh and Osiris, I found a new weapon I plan on keeping," I say, laughing as Osiris yells. "Give them back! I will find you and I will kill you!" Osiris yells. "You can't kill a god," I shout as I pull Athenalise through the water. We arrive in Olympus and Athena is there in a circle of candles while Bexley is there, letting her see the future with blood running down her face.

I gasp, waking up. I look right at Bexley. Her nose was starting to bleed. She wipes it off quickly and steps back. "Let my brother go," She says. I grab her arm. "Did you see what I saw?" I ask. "Yes, of course I did" she answers. "You have to choose which brother lets go first," I say, dragging her to her brothers. "Who goes free?" I ask. "Jax," I say quickly, looking at Aatto, who nods. He knew why I chose Jax. Jax was strong, but Aatto was stronger. Jax shakes his head. "I'm not leaving you two," He says as I make a portal through water that will make him go back to Osiris's territory. "Yes you are," I say, throwing him through. I grab Bexley, taking her back into the other room. "You have until this water fills the room to get a premonition. Or you will drown," I say, chaining her back up, shutting the door as the room starts to fill with water.

Bexley's Pov

I yell in frustration as the room starts to fill with water. It was filling up fast and was already to my knees. I frown, closing my eyes, trying to see the future from nothing, but it was hard to focus on that when my mind was on the water. I stand there, thinking of how the hell the ass hole would know if I even got one. I notice the water was now at my chest and I frown. "This is not fair with how fast this is rising," I say as I pull on the chains, getting furious and breaking them out of the wall. I finally calm down and close my eyes, getting a premonition...."Come on, Athenalise," Osiris says, smiling. Athenalise laughs happy. They were by the river and were having the grandest time. Then the vision changes to Athenalise giving birth. Then it changes to Osiris getting stabbed. I snap out of it, gasping for breath, but I was under water. I curse, swimming up, but I come to the ceiling. I curse swimming down to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. I yell in annoyance and slowly drift into darkness. But before I do, I felt a hand on my wrist, pulling me somewhere. 

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