Chapter 15 - Sharp End Of The Knife

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Osiris POV

It had been forever since the day Athena was taken. I didn't leave our bed for 2 weeks. The sheets still had her scent on it. I need to stop this. Laying around and not doing anything won't bring her back. But I still don't have any energy to do anything. I'm so confused on the situation. I need to talk to Mom and Dad... but what am I going to say? Oh hi Mom! Yeah my mate was taken away from me and I might go insane, so how was your morning? I don't know what to do... but I need to get off my ass first of all. Second of all, I need to do something with myself. This kind of behavior is not acceptable for an alpha.

I quickly took a shower and shaved the dark stubble that was starting to form all over my jaw. I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time in 2 weeks and nearly gagged when I saw my reflection. I had bags on bags on bags. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy. My red eye was more pink now than it's usual blood red. My green eye was like the palest green you can imagine rather than bright emerald green. Man I'm disgusting. I growl and splash some cold water on my face over and over until my eyes started going back to normal. Then i dried my face and got dressed. I went downstairs and saw my mom in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hi mom," I nearly whispered to her. She instantly turned around. "Oh, Osiris! How are you, sweetie?" she asked, walking over to me, holding my hands. I just stared at her. I suddenly burst into tears, hugging my mom and nearly crushing her in the process. "H-honey, you're kind of crushing me," my mom teased, hugging me back. "W-what do I do, mom?" I stuttered in between sobs. "Sh... Honey it's alright! You WILL find her! And do you know why?" she said, comforting me. I sniffed and looked at her, tears streaming down my face. "W-why?" I asked in a near whisper, looking down again. She put her hand on my face, making me look up at her again. "Because you're my son. I have complete faith in you. And you're her mate. You know and feel what she's going through... trust me if she was dead, you would've felt it by now. I KNOW you will find her," she said firmly. I nodded, hugging her tightly. Right now I didn't feel anything so I assumed she was probably asleep. I finally stopped crying and was now just sitting on the couch, hugging my mom. This is what I needed. Just to talk to my mother. She always knew how to help. "Hey mom..." I asked quietly, not lifting my head. "Yes, sweetie?" she asked. "Would you.... Well could you help me go get... Athenalise? Like be the heads of the warriors that come with me? I know it's a lot to ask, but... I need you and dad there with me," I said, now looking her right in the eyes. I had one of her eyes. The other was... his. She looked at me. "Honey, of course we'll help you! I don't even know why you felt it necessary to ask!" she told me, a smile slowly spreading across her face. I gave her a small smile back. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said, still hugging her. "You're so welcome, Osiris," she said, smiling.

I decided to go train with some of the warriors. We went back to the training area in the back of the territory. "Now! None of us really know what we're going up against! We need to train and be ready for absolutely anything! The only thing we really know is that these people, just like me, have powers. Theirs aren't like mine though... they're all different. We're going to be training for about 4 hours everyday until the day that we leave. I want everyone to put in 110% understood?" I announced to all the warriors in the room. They nodded. I smiled proudly at them. "Then let's begin!" I said, going over to the weights first to build up some strength. I did that for about 45 minutes then went to check on everyone. "Don't forget to stay hydrated! If you don't drink water, you could get dehydrated and I DON'T want to see that. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after training! That's all I needed. You may get back to what you were doing now," I said, watching them start training again. I then decided to go out back and train my powers. I went out to where the practicing dummies were behind the training area. I saw one about a football fields length away. I focused on it and pretty soon it burst into flames and exploded. I chuckled softly. I then looked at another dummy in the same area and picked it up with my mind, slamming it into a tree, destroying it. I suddenly hear a low chuckle from behind me. I knew immediately who it was, not needing to turn around. "What do you want, Cade," I growled, continuing to train as if he wasn't there. "Do you want Athenalise back," he asked. Well more like demanded. I turned around and glared at him. "Excuse me?!" I snarled at him, stepping towards him. He just stood there, unfazed. "You heard me," he said, smirking. I glared at him. "Why do you care?!" I challenged. He smirked. I ran to him pinning him against the tree. "ANSWER ME YOU ASSHOLE!" I snarled in his face. He didn't say anything, but the smirk disappeared, and I thought I saw a flash of fear in his eyes. Now it was my turn to smirk at him. "Scared 'father'?" I asked sarcastically. Again, he didn't say anything, but that flash of fear was back, but this time he looked angry. It didn't intimidate me though. "Just tell me what the hell you want, Cade," I said, letting go of him. He fell to the ground with a thud, then got up and brushed himself off. He then got up and took a step forward. "Come with me," is all he said, holding out his hand to me. I stared at him, then shook my head. "What? No! I can't and won't leave!" I shouted. He didn't do or say anything. Just stayed in the position he was in. I growled, thinking. Finally, I looked over at him. "What do I get if I come with you," I demanded. He took his hand back, seemingly thinking. Then he walked towards me. "I will give you Athenalise back... and help you train ALL your powers until you are as strong as I am... my son," he said slowly and quietly. I stared at him. ALL me powers? I have more? Well then again I am kind of a hybrid... my mom's a werewolf and my father is the devil... who knows what else I have, but don't know about. I contemplated this. I wanted... no, I NEEDED Athenalise back, and I'm curious to know what other powers I have... but how would my mom react to this? Oooh she's not going to be happy... it's not her choice though. It's mine and mine only. I suddenly got an idea and smirked. "Deal," I said, holding my hand out. He smiled, grabbing my hand. His eyes and one of my eyes suddenly glowed a deep red color and everything went black. When I opened my eyes again, I knew where I was... Hell.

"Welcome home, son," Cade said, grinning. "Ok I'm here... now bring back Athenalise," I said, glaring. He smirked. "You really don't know me do you?" he said, chuckling. "Hmm... let's see... you're an asshole and a poor excuse for a father who kills people at random and has horrible people skills. How did I do?" I asked sarcastically. He glared at me, the smirk quickly disappearing into a deep frown. "You better watch your mouth around me, Osiris. You don't know what I'm capable of," he said. I pretended to yawn. "Yeah yeah save the speech for someone who gives a shit, Cade," I said, chuckling. His eyes started glowing red, and I knew I made him mad. I know I should've been mad, but for some reason I just wasn't. "Aww did I make you mad?" I said, smiling sweetly at him. Suddenly he jumped on me and started punching me. I easily threw him off, quickly spitting out some blood. I grabbed him and punched him in the face a few times and kneed him where it hurts. He fell on the floor in a heap. "Pathetic..." I whispered. He looked up and I saw he was holding something. He had a kitchen knife in his hands. How the heck did he get that? I've been watching him the entire time. He jumped up quickly and ran towards me, yelling nonsense. I punched him again and ran as fast as I could, not really knowing where I was going. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side and I fell to the ground, holding my side, screaming in pain. I looked up and saw him towering over me, the bloody knife in his hand. "You know, I didn't have to do that. I wanted to help you. I really did. This was your fault," he said. Looking at the knife reminded me of a ritual knife that I've found before. It was a long, black blade with writing in the actual blade. The handle had emeralds and rubies on it too. As I was remembering this, I felt something in my pocket, which is weird because there was nothing in my pockets when I left. I felt my pocket and my hand grazed something sharp. I carefully pulled it out, not listening to Cade rambling on. When I pulled it out, I realized that it was a knife... but, it was the ritual knife I was thinking about... how the hell? I looked at Cade and saw that he was almost white, as opposed to his normally tan skin. I got to my feet slowly, walking over to him. He looked terrified. "O-Osiris put the knife d-down," he stuttered, backing away from me. I snarled, stalking towards him, watching him carefully. I ran to him and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. He looked up at me, his eyes pleading. I growled viciously. He was visibly shaking now. "Never... EVER... underestimate me, Cade," I snarled. "Please..." he pleaded. I looked at him, making him think I wouldn't do this. He relaxed a bit. Wrong decision. "No," I snarled. His face went completely white and had the most terrified expression I've ever seen. Without hesitation, I plunged the ritual knife right into his heart. I did this three more times, each stab more violent than the last. I looked up and made sure he was dead. When I felt confident he was, I tried to think of a way to get out of here. I remembered how I got the knife and started picturing my territory and home. My eye glowed red again and, like before, everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I was home. Now on to my next mission.

Getting Athenalise back. 

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