Chapter 11 - Piece By Piece

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Osiris POV

(before the attack)

"Athena? Are you s-still there? I stuttered, worried that she hung up. "Yeah. Yeah I'm here," she said quietly. I smiled, thankful she didn't hang up. "Athena, I am SO sorry... I just couldn't let what I saw happen... you have to believe me when I say that I only did this to protect you... Do you believe that?" I ask, hopeful. "I believe you, Osiris... it's just kind of hard to process right now you know?" she said. I smiled again, feeling so much happier and a hell of a lot less anxious. "I completely understand, Athena... this was all my fault so you have every right to be angry with me right now..." I blurted out suddenly. There was another long pause. "Crap..." I thought to myself. "Osiris, this wasn't your fault! It's not anyone's fault. Understand?" she said. "Y-yes..." I said slowly. "I'm not convinced that you understand it..." she said quietly. "I don't know, Athena! If I hadn't asked Bexley to look at the future this never would've happened! I just needed to protect you and this was the only way I felt like I could. I know you say it isn't, but Athena... this is all my fault..." I said, tears starting to run down my face again. I felt my world basically falling apart around me. "Osiris. Listen to me. This is NOT your fault," she said firmly. I continued sobbing involuntary. I'm still surprised that I have any tears left. "O-ok..." I stuttered in between sobs. "Osiris?" I heard her say. "Yes?" A pause. "I love you," she said. I smiled, tears still falling, but this time, tears of happiness. "I love you too, Athena," I said, smiling.

(during/ after the attack)

I was talking to her for about an hour before I suddenly heard Bexley's voice in the background. "Athena, you need to get out of here now," Bexley said, fear in her voice. "Bexley, what happened?" Athenalise asked. I could hear her beginning to panic. "Athena, what's going on?" I asked, panicking. No answer. "Athena? ATHENA?!" I yelled into the receiver. "Osiris, I'll contact you as soon as I can," Bexley said suddenly, hanging up. "Bex? Bexley, don't hang up!" I said, knowing that she already did. "NO! NO NO NO!" I screamed, slamming the phone down, nearly breaking it, and punching a hole through the wall, anger building up again and I could feel my strength coming back. I needed to calm down before I did something I knew I would regret. "Deep breaths... deep breaths..." I thought to myself, finally calming down. Nothing good would happen if I got too angry. After I finally calmed down, I felt like someone was trying to mind-link me. I quickly shifted and Bexley's voice suddenly rang in my head.
"Ossy, Find Athenalise and keep her hidden. Don't worry about Jax, Aatto or me. We will get out."

I growl, pacing around, still in wolf form. How was I going to keep her safe when those people are after her? I would have to take her somewhere where nobody but me and my family knows about. It was risky, but that was the only place that I knew of that would keep her safe until I dealt with Poseidon and Athena. I growled again, still pacing. I then mind-linked my mom.
"Mom, meet me at the house in 5 minutes. We need to talk about something and fast! We don't have a lot of time so PLEASE hurry!"

My mom was there almost instantly, thank god. "Osiris, what's going on? Are you ok? You look kind of... angry," she said slowly. "A-angry?" I stuttered. "Yeah... your eyes are both glowing red like they do when you get really mad... what's going on?" she asked, worried. I paced around, running my hands through my hair. "T-they attacked Bexley's pack. Bexley linked me and told me to find her and keep her hidden. Then she said not to worry about her or Jax and Aatto and that they would get out... mom what does that mean? What is she talking about?" I rushed. She grabbed my hands and looked my right in the eyes. "Calm down. You don't want to get too upset, Osiris, and you know that. Just breathe," she said, trying to calm me down. Finally i was calm and she continued. "You're going to have to go over there. CAREFULLY. Take as many warriors and patrols as you need, but not too many so that you won't be spotted as easily," she said. "Mom, I don't want to put any of their lives at risk if all I'm after is getting Athenalise back... and besides, without Bexley, they don't have an alpha right now. I'm going to bring them all here. The only people I'm going to need are you, dad, Raine, Alonso and Amazon," I said, still thinking about where I would put everybody. She smiled and said, "We will be ready when you are, honey. But don't push yourself too much. And remember to just stay calm." I nodded, taking some deep breaths before gathering everyone together.

"Alright! Everyone remember the plan?" I asked my parents and the other three. They all nodded. "Then let's go," I said, shifting and leading the way to Bexley's territory. I wasn't even halfway in, and I could already see the damage. "Oh my god..." I thought to myself.
"Bexley, if you can hear me, I'm taking your pack back to my territory so that everyone can get rest and be protected since their alpha isn't there. I'm doing everything I can, and I will find you. I promise."
"Alonso! Amazon!" I called. "Yes, Alpha?" they said in unison, trotting up next to me. "You guys go find anyone that's wounded and get them back to the pack hospital. My parents, Raine and I are going to search around. Understood?" I said, looking at everyone. "Yes, Alpha," they all said together, going to their positions. "I will find you... even if I die trying," I thought to myself.

"Mom, you and dad go look through the houses. Raine, you and I are going to look through the forest and river area. Everyone let me know if you find something," I call to everyone. They all nod, trotting in different directions. We went through the trees and found nothing. Not even a bunny. "Maybe we'll have more luck by the river," I thought to myself, starting off towards it. Again, nothing. I growl to myself. "We had to have missed something!" I yelled at myself. "Raine, stay here and look more. I'm going back to the forest. I feel like I missed something," I said. Raine nodded, going around the river. I trot back to the forest and go through it about a hundred times. I'm about ready to give up, when something gets my attention. I walk cautiously over and find a cliff. "She couldn't have fallen down here... could she?" I thought to myself, imagining the worst. I decided to go down, just to be sure. I wasn't even halfway down, when I suddenly caught a familiar scent. Athenalise. I start running down the cliff, not even caring about the sharp rocks that were cutting my paws. I followed the scent until it just stopped. "What?! Where is it?!" I yelled, smelling around. My nose on the ground, I smelled the area all around, until I hit something with my nose. I raised my head. Athenalise was right there. Unconscious. I whimper softly, happy I found her, but anxious because she wasn't moving. She was breathing, and for now, that's all I needed. I put her on my back carefully, and slowly climbed back up the cliff, making sure she wouldn't fall. Once I got up safely, I gently laid her on the ground. She had a few cuts and bruises, but she would be ok. I sighed in relief.
"I found her. And I'm on our way back with her, but she's unconscious, so Alonso, I want you and Amazon to heal her right away. We need to come up with a plan to get Bexley, Jax and Aatto back safely and quickly," I link the people I brought with me. "We're ready by the river. We got everyone back and we're just waiting for you now," my parents said.
We were crossing the river that divided our territories, when I was suddenly hit from the side. I fell on the ground, but quickly got to my feet, looking in the direction of the blow, picking Athenalise up and putting her back on my back. Poseidon stepped out, smirking mischievously. "Go to the house now. RUN!" I link my parents frantically. They started running back when suddenly, Athena grabbed Athenalise off of my back and starts running away with her. I whip around to Athena, running right at her and jumping on her, biting her hard and clamping down. I feel my anger rising and my strength coming back. Fast. I snarl deep and low, seeing fear in Athena's eyes. My eyes started glowing red and I turned to Poseidon, who looked terrified. I snarled at him viciously, my full wolf emerging. "Where's Bexley," I demanded, baring my fangs at him, continuing to snarl at him. "Give us our daughter and we will tell you," he said calmly, but fear was apparent in his voice, even if he didn't show it. "I'm not asking again, you arrogant ass. Tell. Me. Where. She. Is," I snarled, stalking towards him. He took a few steps back. "I-I'm not telling you until you give my our d-daughter," he stuttered, taking a few more steps back, falling over a log that was behind him. "Tell me... or I will rip you apart," I snarled furiously, hovering over him. He gulped nervously.

"Piece. By. Piece,"

Love Of Darkness (Joined Forces Series #4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ