CapMon Unleashed!

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"What is this?" Tea asked a week later as the group stood around Miho's desk looking at the wrapped present.

"It's a present," Miho asked. "They just arrived..."

"Wait, Miho-chan!" stuttered Tristan. "It might be a bomb!"

"No way," Joanna stated with an annoyed look.

"Present open," song Miho as she unwrapped the gift on her desk.

Everyone stared in surprise as the gift once Miho has opened wondering how gave it to her.

"This is a Gacha box, isn't it?" Tea asked.

"Yeah," Yugi answered with a nod. "A capsule monster one."

"Capsule Monster?" Joanna asked confused.

"Also known as Capumon," Yugi answered with a smile. ""They're popular with elementary school kids right now."

"Oh yeah, my little sis told me about them. In the capsule is a monster," Joanna took over making the others look at her. "You use it in a game like chess. The one who defeats all his enemies wins."

"What's interesting is until the game begins, all you know is your opponent's monster level," Yugi picked up. "To be honest, right now I'm really into it too."

Joanna just smiled at Yugi.

"But, there's no way this could make Miho happy," Joanna spoke up.

They all looked back at Miho when she cried in joy to see that she had opened some of the capsule only to have jewelry inside.

"A closed heart necklace and earrings from Tiffany's!" she yelled in joy. "It's all the stuff I wanted!"

"Wow," Joanna breathed while they looked surprised.


"Wait, Miho," Tea told her. "Just who did this? Who sent this to school?"

"A college student I ran into recently," Miho answered as she held up as latter. "Warashibe-kun."


...My Line...


"You mustn't go, Miho-chan!" Tristan told her after school. "Don't let things confuse you! Besides he's too old for you!" Miho just walked away from the class room with the jewelry in a paper bag. "Miho-chan! Miho-chan!"

"Give it up," Joanna told him as she walked out the door when Tristan fall to his knees. "Right now you're a man who can't even a single 500 yen Capumon."

This made Tristan cry even more.


"Hello," Miho greeted as she walked into the Game Shop.

"Oh, Miho," said a surprised Yugi.

"Hi Miho." Joanna said while looking through some cards she could use for her decks.

"Welcome," Solomon greeted.

"Yugi, are there any Capumon left?" Miho asked him.

"Capumon?" asked a confused Yugi. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

Miho just smiled as she took out a level 1 Capumon and opened it to see a flower looking monster.

"Thank you," she thanked.

'Nobody did anything for you yet,' Joanna sweatdropped.

"But, what are you going to do?" Yugi asked.

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