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Tee woke up groaning. His body felt sore. He rubbed his eyes before squinting them open. He tried to gather his bearings as he stared at the ceiling. He had a hard time recalling what happened last night. Vague memories of him being dragged into the bar by his classmates from the uni, of him dancing and being fed drink after drink. He could barely remember how he got to this room last night.

He is currently lying in the middle of the bed and tried to look around. He could see a chaise by the foot of the bed and a set of armchairs on the left before the sliding door leading to a balcony. On his right, a bedside drawer with a table lamp could be seen. The room looks expensive
enough but he is sure he could afford it.

He blinked a few times and tried shifting from the bed, that is when he felt that stinging pain from his behind, from his waist down to his legs. He lifted the sheets and took a peek. He gasped as he saw that he was naked under the sheets. He was whimpering in pain when he felt
a presence beside the bed. He is currently curled into a foetal position on his left side with his hands clutching on the sheets covering his body.

 He is currently curled into a foetal position on his left side with his hands clutching on the sheets covering his body

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A tanned hand reached out to help him sit up. He barely noticed two pills being forced through his mouth. He tried fighting against the person holding him.

"Hey, relax. These are just painkillers, nothing more. You'll feel much better once you've taken them" was murmured by a sensuous and insistent voice by his ear.

Tee looked behind him and noticed the man supporting him in a sitting position. He could see the penetrating stare he's being given. The man encouraged him to lean against his chest while he helped him drink the pills. He accepted the glass of water that was being handed to him as well.

"Thank you," Tee told the man. He looked at him sideways while still leaning against him. "Do I know you P? How did we end up here?" he asked afterwards.

The man looked at him and gave him a peck on his head. "You ask too many questions. You take your rest and wait for the pills to kick in. Once you are rested, we'll talk, okay?"

Tee nodded sleepily.

He woke up to loud voices coming from outside the bedroom. He struggled to get up. He slowly sat up and was relieved to not feel that intense pain he felt earlier. He still felt sore and the pain is still there but is tolerable.

He moved towards the edge of the bed, bringing the sheet with him. He looked around and saw a robe draped by the chaise at the foot of the bed. He slowly stood up and took it. He let the sheet fall away into a pool by his feet while he wore the white fluffy robe.

He decided to see what the commotion is all about. He took little steps towards the door barefoot. Once he reached the door, he slowly opened it and was surprised to see his best friend, Thanit, their drinking buddy Kim, and his father with the mysterious man from earlier. Said man was also wearing a robe but he has pyjama pants beneath.

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