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It has been three months since that gathering where the couple announced Tee's pregnancy. Everyone has been supportive and protective of Tee. Tatsuo and Teigan would often spend the weekend at the penthouse while Thanit and Kimmon would join them every other night. Kace and Fox? They would wait for Tee to sleep before they would bid their boss goodnight.

Like their usual morning since the pregnancy, Tee is worshipping the bowl in their suite as he poured his guts out. Tae was, of course, there to rub his husband's back and get him a glass of water. The alpha would always help his omega up and bring him back to their bed.

"Are you sure you'll go to class today? You look paler this morning love. I could always get Tan to apply a leave of absence for you until your morning sickness stops" Tae said worriedly as he tucks Tee back in bed.

"I'm alright Daddy" Tee pinched his husband's nose weakly. "Besides, my classes would start late in the morning and I could still have a few hours to lay about. Tan will be there love and I'm sure he will report back to you even the tiny little bit of detail for today, like always"

Tae dropped a kiss on his omega's forehead. "Baby, if I could only be with you in class, you know I would. I just can't help but be worried about you. This is new to us and I always want you comfortable and safe"

Tee reached up and initiated a languid kiss. "I'm always comfortable and safe because of you... because you always make sure of it and I'm so thankful for that. I couldn't ask for a better alpha because you are the best"

"Alright love. Call me and Kace if you feel any pain, even the slightest twitch of pain okay?" Tae acquiesced.

"Yes love, I will. Now go before you're late. You must set a good example for your subordinates" Tee said before giving his husband another kiss.

Tae reluctantly pulled away and took his jacket. He gave Tee another kiss before he left with Fox.


Tee was asleep in their room. He was so worn out with their lovemaking that he passed out in the middle of their third round. Tae made sure his husband was clean and comfortable before he took his own shower.

He was still unable to sleep despite their previous activity and the shower. Tae stepped out of the room and signalled one of the guards on duty to keep an eye on Tee. He became more paranoid as hus husband's pregnancy progresses. As a mafia boss, he made sure that their house is guarded 24/7. If he leaves the room, there needs to be a guard by the door and also by the balcony.

The alpha went straight to the kitchen to get himself a drink. He took a bottle of beer from the fridge and went out straight to the balcony. He was surprised to see Thanit sitting there.

"Can't sleep?" Tae asked as he sat in one of the chairs.

Thanit smiled at him. "It's the weekend P. Tomorrow, Mom and Tej would be here and everything will be fussy"

Tae chuckled. "Your mom fusses about almost everything because she just wants the best"

Thanit had that wistful smile. "That she does" he agreed. "P, if I were to ask something from you, will you be honest with me?"

Tae looked at him. "You're my brother Tan, you know that. I never treated you anything less, have I?"

"No P, you haven't" Thanit answered.

Tae raised an eyebrow. "There, you answered your own question" he said with a chuckle. "Seems like this is a serious talk Tan, out with it. We don't have all night, sooner or later Tee or Kim might go down and look for us. Most probably Tee"

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