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Neon strobe lights flashing...

Sweaty bodies gyrating against each other...

Drunken screams here and there...

He is sitting in a booth with some of his classmates. He has been looking for his best friend since he arrived, but still he hasn't seen him. He was invited earlier in the day with no room for refusal. His best friend promised him he would come. Drinks after drinks have been coming his way and they won't listen to him when he says he's had enough.

He is now in an unfamiliar room. He can't remember how he got there. All he knows is he felt dizzy at the bar earlier and someone volunteered to bring him home. He could feel he is naked underneath the sheets and that his body is burning in heat.

He could feel kisses being rained down his body...

His back arching in the other's...

Strong arms holding his legs against well defined shoulders...

His heat being filled in...

Slapping noises resounding in the room along with heavy breaths and unending moans...

And then he openned his eyes and abruptly sat in bed. He looked around at the dimly lit room. He gasped when he felt someone wrap him in their embrace.

"Bad dream?" Came the husky voice in his ear.

That is when it dawned in him. He was at home, in their bed, beside his husband. He is now married. And the man embracing him is his husband, Tae Kreepolrerk.

"Uhm...it's more like flashes" he responded.

His sweaty bangs were swept on the side as his face was caressed. "I'll get you a glass of water"

"Can I go with you to the kitchen?" He asked.

Tae chuckled. "Sure. Let's go"

As Tee slid towards the edge of the bed, he brought his legs down. He is only in his boxers and was thinking about wearing a shirt when his husband said, "No need to wear a shirt, baby. The place is ours, we can do what we want, how we want it"

The younger man blushed at Tae's comment. Just as he stood up, his legs gave out. He was prepared to kiss the floor when he felt strong arms wrap around his middle. He splayed his hands on his husband's chest as he was held close

"Hey, what happened? Did I turn your legs to jelly?" Tae asked in a teasing tone.

Tee was so embarrassed he couldn't look him in the eye. He kept his head down and burried in the other man's chest.

"It's okay. I did tire you out last night" he said as he lifted Tee in bridal carry. The younger man could only wrap his arms around the older's neck but he still kept his head down.

"Ponpon" Tae called out.

Tee looked up and his lips were immediately caught in a heated kiss. He could feel his soul being sucked out of him with its intensity. He allowed Tae to ravish his mouth until there isn't a spot untouched by his tongue. The older man only let his lips go when both of them needed to breathe but still, he took several pecks from his lips before he totally let go.

"Let's go and get your water before I loose it and take you once more" Tae huffed before he carried Tee out of their room.

It was still a few hours from dawn. Tae sat his husband down in one of the chairs while he took a glass of water. He gave it to him and kept his eyes on him while he drinks.

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