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After the kitchen was cleaned up, Fox and Kace bid the two househelp goodbye. Nami and Kisa, both betas, are the only ones allowed to enter and clean the penthouse. They underwent intense scrutinization before they were given the task.

"What a waste. Tee must be totally upset for the cake to meet that fate" Fox commented when they were alone in the penthouse.

"Yeah, so upset he left without even telling me. I could've gone with him. What if one of our enemies got him?" Kace ranted.

Fox pulled his mate towards his embrace and dropped a kiss to his forehead. "Relax hun. We were able to locate him. Don't take it against Tee that he didn't inform you. Maybe he was too upset to even care and needed time for himself"

"What could've happened?" Kace mumbled. "He was totally fine when I picked him up from class"

"Maybe Tae wpuld be generous enough to share the reason when they come back. Hopefully" Fox said. "For now, let's go back to our place and chill" he added as he stood up.

Kace looked up at his alpha and sighed. He k ows Fox has a point. He took the alpha's offered hand and stood up.

They went down to their place and were changing into comfortable clothes when the doorbell rang. Fox went out only in joggers to see who was at the door. He has a shirt in his hand when looked into the peephole before opening the door.

"You found him P?" Thanit asked the moment Fox opened the door.

The older alpha smirked while shaking his head amusedly. "Get in you punk" he fondly said to the younger alpha and saw his mate's brother was there as well. "You too"

Once Thanit and Kimmon were inside, Kace stepped out of their room and greeted them. He and Fox led their guests to the living room and sat

 He and Fox led their guests to the living room and sat

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(Taken from: http://www.home-designing.com/2015/07/a-dark-and-calming-bachelor-pad-with-natural-wood-and-concrete)

"Any news on Tee, P?" Kimmon asked the older couple.

"Yeah, he's at the park and Tae is already there to get him" Kace answered.

"Whoa! Did P'Tae get mad? I hope Tee won't be too stubborn and just go home with P'Tae" Thanit sighed.

"Hmmm...I have a feeling he'll indulge Tee with the feels of how lovey dovey couples should be" Fox commented with a waggle of his eyebrows.

That stumped his companions as they imagine Tae being sweet and attentive to Tee. They all ended up shuddering.

"You surely are delusional P" Kimmon said as he faked to throw up. "It's like you're saying that P'Tae will wear a tutu if Tee asked him to" he added with a laugh.

"Hmmm now that you mentioned it, I think he will Kim. Remember how obsessed he was with Tee since I brought him home" Thanit was the first to react.

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