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Tee Thanapon Jarujitranon is now officially a Kreepolrerk. He and Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk just had their civil rights held an hour ago and only their close family and friends witnessed it.

He was shocked to find out that the man he is marrying is also the famous but elusive businessman, Darvid Kree. Little is known about the business tycoon but it seems that he is well acquainted with his father. They had been talking for quite a while now with the judge and respective lawyers.

Tee is now in a corner of the judge's room where they held the ceremony. Tae's brothers, Thanit and Teigan, and cousin Kim kept him company as well as his other best friend, Copter.

"Well, this has been rather quick" Copter observed. "How long have you been seeing Tan's brother Tee?"

Tee looked at Thanit as he is unsure what to say. "Well, to be honest, P'Tae has known Tee for quite sometime but they've only met last night. Due to their familial and social status, this has been the most acceptable arrangement" Thanit said in response to Copter's query.

"Tee, we understand this isn't to your liking but please give it a chance. You could be good for each other, both Tan and I can see that. Even Tej agrees with us" Kim said.

"It's just that I don't know him. And how come you say he is your brother when you practically have different last names?" Tee asked him.

Thanit chuckled. "P'Tae was thirteen and I was three when my mother remarried. My dad died in an accident when I was just born and she raised me on her own. According to mom, P'Tae was stiff at first but then he became the best older brother I could ask for. Then mom became pregnant with Tej"

Tee nodded in understanding. He looked at Kim and asked "How about you? Where do you come into the picture?"

Kimmon chuckled too. "Well, his mother and my father are siblings. His mom died due to childbirth and he stays with us when his father goes out of town or the country to deal with business. They lost uncle when he was graduating from college and since then became the head of the family"

"P'Tae might look stiff and can be considered a jerk at times but he will do everything he can to protect his family, which now includes you P'Tee" Teigan told him with a sincere look.

Tee looked at them sceptically but slowly nodded in acquisence. He was about to say something when Tae approached them with his father.

"Let's have dinner" Tae told them.

They arrived at a high class restaurant and was lead to a private area. It was just the six of them having dinner since Copter excused himself saying he had some errands to run for his mom. Tee was seated in between Tae and his dad with Thanit, Teigan and Kim in a round table. It was quiet a silent dinner, no one was talking.

"I haven't seen your mother" Boone decided to break the silence.

"Mother is in Korea and has to settle some business. She sends her apology for not being able to make it today" Tae answered politely.

"Yeah, I understand. It was quite sudden" Boone replied.

Then their food was served and they ate silently. When they were finished, Boone looked at his son.

"You better be good to Tae, son. He will look after you from now on but you can still call me anytime"

Tee hugged his father. "I'll miss you Dad. You'll visit me right?"

"Of course I will, but I will be even busier now since we have the merger now" Boone told his son.

After hugging his son, Boone approached Tae who was with his brothers and cousin. "Please look after him Tae. He might be stubborn but please have patience with him"

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