22 | five years later

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chapter xxii of the death season :



" The world has changed, and none of us can go back. "





january 22th, 2023

san francisco, california

WHEN THE RAT ZAPS SCOTT LANG OUT OF THE QUANTUM REALM, it's like waking up in another world. First, Scott finds himself flung out onto his back in the middle of a storage container. The dim gated place is marked simply as 'Lang', housing Luis' familiar brown van and boxes of Scott's belongings nestled alongside a pile of his oldest daughter's things. And when the grumpy security guard finally notices his cardboard 'Help' sign and he's let out into the fresh air, it's like nothing he could've seen coming.

The usual noise of the city has been silenced, making everything eerie and still and looming.

People no longer line every road and sidewalk.

The streets are abandoned.

Missing posters are taped to every flat surface, some withered and fallen away after all this time.

Houses have been overgrown and cars are left abandoned on the side of the road.

As he walks down the dirty, debris-covered streets with only a few boxes in a wooden wagon, Scott just stares at everything with a growing sense of dread, realizing that something has gone wrong... very, very wrong.

The only other sign of life he sees is when a kid about eleven rides past him on a bike, no glee in his eyes or smile on his face. And Scott knows that he needs answers, that he needs someone to explain.

"Kid!" The boy ignores him for a long moment, only skidding to a stop when Scott persists, "Hey kid!"

The child that's grown up in a world of devastation and loss slowly looks back at him with a bitter expression and nearly tearing eyes.

"What the heck happened here?" Scott cautiously breathes out.

The kid doesn't answer, but he doesn't need to. Scott discovers all he needs to know when he finds the monuments. The Lang walks towards the big stone pillars with a sinking feeling in his stomach, palms strangely beginning to feel sweaty. And on the monuments are carved out the names of all those they lost, those they call, 'THE VANISHED'.

"Oh, my God..." Scott whispers in shock, only seconds passing before the terror sets in.

His head feels light and his stomach is sick as he realizes that his daughters, his own flesh and blood, may be among them, among the dead.

"Oh please, please no... not Laurie and Cassie-,"

Scott panickedly rushes from monument to monument, hands sliding along the smooth surfaces as his eyes desperately scour over each and every name.

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