28 | the time heist

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chapter xxviii of the death season :

" We're family. We leave no one behind. "

january 26th, 2023
avengers compound


Lisa pushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear, gnawing on her bottom lip as she finishes typing out the title of their mission: /operation: Time Heist - Brainstorming Session. After giving a thumbs-up towards Laurie for coming up with the title, Lisa's fingers slide up and then the screens are showcasing each of the six Infinity Stones. The Avengers sit around the conference room, all turning to look at the colorful hologram displays on the walls.

"Now, we have to figure out the When and the Where." Giving a satisfied nod, Steve stands beside the display, "Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of six Infinity Stones."

Tony passes along in front of the screens, "Or substitute the word 'encounter' for dang near been killed by one of the six Infinity Stones."

Lisa makes a face of disgruntled agreement. The amount of times she's almost been killed or has actually been killed by some crazy wannabe god for an Infinity Stone is sort of excessive.

"Well, I haven't..." Scott pipes up, "But I don't even know what the heck you're all talking about."

"A whole mood." Laurie nods, sitting in the middle of the table eating a defrosted chicken pot pie or some other random thing she found in the freezer.

For a bunch of superheroes, they really don't have a lot of fun options when it comes to the major dietary needs of Laurie LaRue Lang. She's decided to blame Tony Stark for that too.

All this to say, Iron Man wasn't thrilled to read the blue-haired girl's extensive list of complaints and recommendations for a better stay at the Hotel de la Avengers.

Bruce moves on, "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each and these Stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history." Tony adds on, still pacing around the large conference room.

Lisa huffs with one ankle resting on her knee, "So knowing us, it's probably going to be a disaster wherever or whenever we go, is that what you're telling us?"

Tony pauses, blinking for a moment before shrugging, "Pretty much."

She drops back into her chair, "Cool."

Clint leans against the doorframe, "So, we have to pick our targets."


"So, let's start with the Aether." Steve regains focus towards the front of the room, concentrated blue eyes darting to the corner, "Thor. What do you know?"

Everyone quickly turns to look at the god of thunder with great expectations. They are, unfortunately, let down. The once majestic god now sits in what may be a lawn chair, bearded, hairy, a beer in hand, and wearing sunglasses to hide the fact that he is most definitely out cold.

When he doesn't answer, Natasha squints, "Is he asleep?"

"No, no." Rhodey tsks back, "I'm pretty sure he's dead."

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