Chapter Fourteen

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Yes, this picture is of George and he's hella cute ^^<3

Also, I SAW THE BAND and it was honestly the best day of my life, although Matty wasn't feeling well. He said that it was difficult for him that night and that he felt shitty. It broke my heart a bit. I hope he is ok <3

Well, here's your update.

Enjoy and please, please, please vote and comment. I feel like I'm writing to nobody so if you do like it then please let me know. It means the world.


Rosie's POV

A loud beeping shot through the air as George set the car into a sudden halt, as he yelled and beeped at the person in front of him.

" Is everybody fucking stupid or am I the only fucking one in England who can drive properly. This is a fucking clusterfuck!" he yelled, tugging at the ends of his hair with an annoyed sigh. Scenarios like this one had been happening on and off for the last two hours.

" That's what to be expected when you are enough of a dimwit to decide to drive from fucking London to Manchester the 23rd of December," Adam dared to reply.

Matty rolled his eyes and Ross was wearing headphones so he didn't really pay attention.

Usually, it was Matty who had a short fuse and a tendency to get easily enraged by the smallest things, but then again, he wasn't the one who willingly, but regrettably, had agreed to drive through a living hell of Christmas traffic where everyone seemed to drive with their heads up their arses. Matty had told him, to suck it up and quit whining, I kept quiet, and Adam was now the only one who persistently tried to uphold George's spirit and sanity.

I was resting my head against Matty's shoulder and his fingers were rubbing up and down my side. I was dreading this day, and I wouldn't be able to count on my hands how many times in the last hour I had cursed the fact that I had agreed to this. It just wasn't a good idea, and honestly, I was feeling sick.

We hadn't really been able to figure out what we wanted so we had tried our best to come up with an idea that would take both family and friends into consideration. George, Adam and Ross were all going home to their respective families, while Matty and I were going to visit my parents shortly, before celebrating the 24th with Matty's family and lastly all five of us would reunite the 25th. That way we could take everyone into account even though I would rather avoid my own family.

My brother wouldn't care at all, which was a problem.

My mum and dad cared too much, which was also a problem.

My brother would love Matty though.

My parents wouldn't.

How could so much disagreement under one roof possibly turn out good?

One thing I could agree with my parents on, was that neither of us liked the fact that my brother was going to love Matty.

My parents had been rather reluctant when I told that I would bring my boyfriend around. They had been really excited when I said that it was George's best friend, but after getting his name and doing some research, their excitement seemed to have gone in a downward spiral. Matty Healy didn't exactly come across as a perfect angel, and to my parents, he probably left a lot to be desired. Even though the band wasn't that big, there was still some rather unfortunate pictures and stories on the Internet. Some of which my parents weren't that excited to see.

Something they didn't want me to be exposed to yet again. Not that I had told Matty about it. He was still rather excited and there was no need getting him nervous over something he couldn't change anyway.

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