4: Secretary Sterling

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Chapter 4:
Secretary Sterling

Shay drops me off at the building at 6:50, 10 minutes before I have to be there.

"Thanks for the ride, see you at home."

"No problem, you'll do great!"

I get out of my brother's car and walk into the building.

"Celine! I'm glad you could make it! Anyways, my current assistant, Stella will be meeting us upstairs in my office and she'll explain to you everything. Make sure to get my schedule and your to do list from her."

"Got it, sir."

We go up the elevators and to his office. Mr. Cloud claps his hands together twice.

"Stella, this is my new assistant, Celine. Please train her."

"Alright, sir. Please follow me." Stella says.

Stella leads us outside of his office and right on the outside is a desk that has a nameplate on it that reads Secretary Fields on it. The area is pretty much cleaned out besides her nameplate.

"So in this final cabinet..."

She opens the very top drawer.

"...we have photos of events we had over all the years Cloud Soft Tech has existed, in the second drawer, we have all the pictures of all the models of our devices over the years, and in the third drawer, there are contracts and documents. All files are in alphabetical order."

Stella places a thick black binder on the desk.

"And this is a binder full of your responsibilities, code of conduct, requirements, and list of important dates such as events you must attend. I also put your to-do list on there."

She places down a Cloud Soft tablet.

"This is your tablet that has Mr. Cloud's schedule. You will use it to take notes, share documents, and other tasks."

Stella hands me a laptop.

"This is the laptop you will use to find archives, save documents, and write emails."

Stella points to a speaker on the desk.

"When you press that blue button, you speak into it and Mr. Cloud can hear you. He will speak to you through that. Check out the to-do list."

I put down the laptop and open the black binder to read the to do list.

To do list:
- first thing you do is go to Mr. Cloud's house, then you pick out his outfit for the day, make him some fresh coffee (no sugar, just black coffee) and leave it for him on the kitchen counter, once he's dressed, you are going to need to learn to tie a tie properly so you can do it for Mr. Cloud every morning.
- go to the building with Mr. Cloud and in the car, tell him the agenda for the day
- once you enter his office, open his blinds, place any documents that employees have given you to give to him on his desk neatly.
- he will give you a task to do so do it at your desk. Always stand on your left of his desk aka his right when you are called to his office
- you will have lunch when he has lunch (Mr. Cloud usually doesn't eat lunch so I'd pack something to put in your desk to eat there while working)
- when someone goes over there to talk to Mr. Cloud, always tell him in the speaker that someone is coming in, make sure to state the person's name
- always give him a 5 minute warning before meetings
- you leave after Mr. Cloud leaves or at least when he says to leave

"Do you have any questions?" Stella asks.


"Okay, let me teach you how to make the coffee."

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