Radio Fight

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Soon, Neil turns on the radio and puts on a Rush song. "Rush sucks!" Adam suddenly blurted out. "EXCUSE ME?!" Neil yelled offended. "You heard me!"
"You did NOT just insult one of the greatest Canadian bands ever!"
"I did, and they're not great at all. Geddy Lee sounds like a cat that just got butt fucked by a cactus!"
"Oh whatever, same person we caught jacking off to Cardi B."
"You heard me!"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about!"
"No, I actually don't!"
"Yes you do. You're just trying to cover it up by playing stupid."
"You actually think I like Cardi B?"
"I don't think it. We all literally heard you jacking off to her porn tapes."
"How could you have heard something that didn't happen?"
"Oh yeah? If it didn't happen, then why did we hear a Cardi B porn tape blaring from your room? And why did we hear you moaning?"
"Alright fine. I may or may not have the hots for Cardi B."
"Yeah, I can tell. Now I do not want to hear a single peep from you for the rest of the ride! I don't talk to people like you!" Neil ordered as he continued driving with the Rush song still playing.

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