Saving My Lord And Saviour

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As the cop is driving away, I run out after him, but that was when I felt someone grabbing my arm. It was my vice principal. "Um... Can I help you?"
"Yeah. You can trot your little ass back in that school!"
"Yes, right now!"
"Fine, I'll go back in, but you have to bail Neil out of jail and rehire Adam."
"No! I'm not going to bail Neil out of jail because he got himself arrested, and I'm not rehiring Adam because I should've fired him a long time ago! Now get back to class or you will be expelled!"
"Go ahead! I fucking loathe everyone and everything at that shit hole of a school anyway!"
"Fine! You can go after them, but don't cry to your mommy when you end up in jail too!" She yelled as she stormed away, so then I continued running after the cop. After what felt like forever of running, we finally get to the jail. As soon as the cop stops the car, I crawl underneath the car and hide there while the cop drags Neil inside. Once the coast is finally clear, I run inside and hide behind a large bin as the cop throws Neil in the cell and storms away. That was when I grabbed the key on the nearby counter and darted over to Neil. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "Bailing you out. What does it look like?" I whispered back as I let him out. He then bolts out of the prison. That was when I snuck out and rushed home.

Adam Gontier As A TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now