Employed Again

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After what felt like forever, they finally do get to the high school as they go inside. That was when the vice principal approaches them. "Hello! Adam Gontier. Is that right?" She exclaimed. "Yeah." He sighed as she shook his hand. "So, Adam. Can you tell me everything you know about your job here?"
"That there are a lot of retarded kids here."
"ADAM!" Neil yelled as he turned back to the vice principal. "I am so sorry about him. He didn't mean it."
"I'll let it slide. Just don't do it again."
"He won't."
"Don't you dare!"
"Sir, you'd better stop or else I'm gonna have to fire you." The vice principal said. "Fine." Adam groaned. "Now, I would like you to answer the question properly."
"I did."
"I meant do you know anything about your schedule and what classes you'll be teaching?"
"At our school, there are 4 periods a day."
"Yes, 4."
"Pfft! Lady, when I was in high school, I had like 8 periods."
"Good for you. You mind letting me finish?" The vice principal asked as Adam went dead silent. "Thank you! Now as I was saying, you will be teaching grade 10 civics, the academic class for period 1 and the applied class for period 2, then in the afternoon, you will be teaching the academic grade 11 biology classes. The first 2 periods and last 2 periods will also be switched every week, so every other week, the schedule will go like this; period 2, period 1, period 4, period 3. It may throw you off a little bit at first, but you'll have the hang of it after the first few weeks. School starts at 8:40 AM and ends at 2:45 PM, and each class is an hour and 15 minutes. Period 1 is from, again, 8:40, to 9:55. However, if it's week 1, the bell will still ring at 9:55, but you must keep your period 1 class for announcements. The dismissal bell will ring at 10:00, but if it's week 2, classes will be free to go at 9:55 and announcements won't come on until after they get to their next class. Depending on which week it is, period 2 will start at 10:00 if it's week 1, and 10:05 if it's week 2, then lunch starts at 11:20 and ends at 12:05. After that, students will have 5 minutes to get to their period 3 classes. The same will apply with their other classes as well. Period 4 starts at 1:30. As mentioned, school ends at 2:45 and busses leave at 2:55."
"Never mind. I'll just write it down for you, but anyway, I'm going to let you go, but I would like you to be here by 8:15 on Monday. I will come find you, tell you the room number you are to go to for each period, and I guess give you a paper with all of the other information on it since you were too stupid to understand the first time."
"Ma'am, I get that he was being rude first, but you don't need to call him stupid. You definitely overloaded him with information." Neil said. "I understand. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. He is pretty stupid to be honest with you." He said as he and the vice principal start laughing. "It was nice meeting you guys, but unfortunately, I'm gonna have to let you go because I'm supposed to be on granddaughter duty. Have a good weekend!"
"You too! Bye!"
"Goodbye!" She exclaimed as Neil drags Adam out of the school. "What a bitch." Neil whispered. "So... Does that mean I don't have to work there?" Adam blurted out. "Nope. You still have to work there. I was just saying that lady is a bitch." He responded as Adam groans and follows him back to the car.

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