Chapter 1

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"Hailey! Get up!! We're going to be late and I have cheer practice!"

Oh how I love to here my screaming sisters voice at 5:45 in the morning.

"I'm coming Sophie!"

I hate how she always needs rides places. She's a freshmen at Tumble Ridge High School, and I'm a senior. Thank god. but how the hell did she get into so many things in high school and how did she have the courage? I always envied her for that.

She's on the varsity cheer squad, she does competitive dance for the best team in California, and she's a public speaker in her speech class. Yeah I got jealous once in a while, but I've managed a 4.0 GPA for all 3 years of high school. And that meant that mom was off my back about mostly everything and on hers

This was our second week of school and I'd already been tired of it. "Meet me in the car." I yelled walking out the garage door.

The car ride was silent, until she spoke.

"I need your advice."

I paused. Ugh, i hated giving advice to incoming freshmen. Which is why I rejected being on link crew a total of 23 times.

"Yes?" I said shakily. Your a freshmen, big whoop, it's not that hard.

"Well, I hacked into the school grading website and changed my grades so they look better so that mom won't look at them and yell at me, but my teachers found out and want to speak to me and mom."

I slammed on my breaks but then realized I was almost on the high way and kept going.

"WHAT! SOPHIA ROSE LOVEDAY!" I always called her by her full name when I was really mad so I could scare her.

"Well I've never done that before so good luck."

We got to the school and she started crying as she got out.

"Soph, look I'm sorry but you have to face the punishment."

"Whatever, thanks for nothing."

She slammed the door, and I rolled my eyes and got out to see everyone walking in. I looked at the time. We were usually late and no one was walking in.

Then I remembered that I had just enough time to go to Starbucks and read for a while. I got there and saw my friend Preston? there.

"Hey what are you doing here at 6:15 am?

He looked up at me and smiled.

"My brother had basketball practice and that was my only ride here, knowing I got my car taken away.

I laughed and then hugged him tightly. He has been my best friend since 2nd grade.

"Well I'm gonna grab a drink and then read. See you in Health."

i got my chocolate chai and went outside to read. For some reason I loved reading in the cold with my sweater and uggs on.

I put my earphones In and pulled out the book I was reading at the moment. "Chaos in Califonia."

I lost track of time and soon it was 7:18.

"Shit!" I said out loud gathering my stuff together. I only had 2 minutes to be in my seat.

I got there at 7:21 and the bell rang right as I got into class.


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