Chapter 2

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"Your late, loveday."

"Actually Mr. Sanders I got here just in time." he gave me a glare and I could tell I should probably shut up and sit down. This class was the best class to have 1st period. All we did was watch movies and write an essay on it. it usually took us a week to watch the movie so we had 2 weeks for the essay. Since my classes were only 35 minutes, we never had time for anything, and it was great.

That's one reason I felt bad for freshmen and the lower class.

Freshmen classes were 1 hour long, Sophmoore classes were 50 minutes long, Junior classes were 45 minutes and seniors had 30-35 minute classes depending on what the class was.

the one thing that sucker about that was that we got no lunch, because we left at 11:10 and freshmen left at 2:10.

I still loved being home early though.

"Meet me at Panera."


That was my friend, reeves. her name was Riley Reeves but everyone called her Reeves because of her softball reputation.

I was there in what felt like a second. I loved panera.

"LOVEDAY, over here." She screamed across panera.

"Reeves inside voice." She barley called me by my last name, Loveday, only when she had something important to tell me.

I saw her more clearly and who she was with when I get closer. She was with Preston, Conner, and Devin. we were all best friends but Riley had a thing for Preston.

"Hey guys!" I said energetically.

"Sit! Sit!" She screamed.

"Riley inside voice God dammit. Anyway, I know you have something to tell me, so speak up what is it?"

"Uhmmmmm haha loveday you know it's not for them to hear." She said quietly to me. I got the point and just blew it off until we got to me house. "Hey Hailey." Devin said with his smile that made my body feel warm inside.

"Hey Dev."

Everyone thought I liked him but in no world would I ever like one of my best friends. We had all been best buddies since 2nd grade. Everyday we ate lunch together and talked about the same shit as usual.

See me and Riley weren't the ones to talk about how in love we were with boys in front of them because we never really had the chance to, and I liked it.

Since 2nd grade, all 5 of us had a plan to go to the same high school and the same college, and thankfully that plan was 90% working. The hard part was college.

"LOVEDAY!" Riley screamed.

"Sorry, I got caught in my thoughts." I looked over at Devin who was looking at me and was smiling.

Our food arrived and we sat in panera for a good 2 hours and talked. Devin stole one of my chips and began talking with his mouthful.

"So how's college looking for everyone?"

"Ew can we not talk about that right now? Guys were still in high school and I'm not ready for it to be over!" Riley exclaimed.

She was right. I was not even close to being it vein over. My whole life was formed here and with these people.

"She's right guys, this is where shit went down. Remember walking in for the first time as freshmen all together and almost peeing our pants?" Preston said. Ever just those simple, yet true words made me sad.

"But hey, it's only been two weeks, we have plenty of time to live it up here." I said just to stop the overwhelming conversation.



Sweetheart, you need to pick up Sophia and then come home please.

"See you guys. Gotta get soph. Love you guys."

I ran out the door forgetting about my food. Damn and that stuff was really good too.

I finally got to school and saw her pouting in the front of the school.

"Oh this should be good."

She got in a didn't say a word. I wanted to wait till she said something. After 15 minutes she said nothing and we were home. I parked the car and she jumped out and ran in. something must be bugging her. But what?

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