Chapter 15

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* The picture is just how her make up was done.*

I arrived there and saw that everyone except Devin and Riley were there.

"Hailey you look beautiful." Preston said with amazement in his eyes.

"Thank you!" He grabbed my hand and we walked in. We got ourselves a table and sat down.

"Oh their here." Devin was in a suit, like Preston. But Preston had a blue tie. Devin had a purple tie. Riley on the other hand was not as dressed up. She was wearing a sun dress-like-thing and everyone that worked there almost kicked her out.

"Um hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hey." She said kindly. I could see she wasn't being herself. I'd have to study her more during dinner.

Preston and Devin shook hands and did a bro hug then sat down.

"Hey everyone." Devin shouted. Riley laughed. The point of this "date" wasn't to be friends again. No. It was to get even.

"Hello my name is Andrew I'll be taking care of you tonight. Can I get you guys anything to drink?" I knew that voice and him.

I looked up.


"Hailey! How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?"

"Good, let's catch up."

"Yeah, guys order your drinks." I said. It was getting awkward. Prestons grip on my hand tightened. I looked over at him.

"I'll have a dr. pepper, she will have a sprite." Said Devin.

"I'll have a Coke, and same for him." I said.

"Alright I'll be right back with those." Andrew said. I knew Andrew from freshman year.

"Guys I'll be right back." I said quietly. I caught up with Andrew.

"Hey!" I said

"Oh hey! Nice seeing you here."

"Yeah same. 1st of all how on earth did you get a job.... here?" I asked.

"Oh it was easy. I've had straight A's all my life and they looked into it and the college I'm going to and decided they would hire me. It's not a bad job but it is a lot of rich people. The pay is great though." He said proudly. He was always a little full of himself, but isn't everyone.

"How much do you get paid?"

"$40 an hour and the whatever tips I get" I was in shock.

"Wow!! Look I love talking to you but you should probably go and my friends are waiting for me. Here's my number." I wrote on a piece of paper.

"Text me when you get off." I smiled and walked away.

"Hey sorry!"

"Do you know what you want?" Devin asked me. Wow that was the first thing he has said to me all night.

I looked threw the menu.

•1 hour later•

"That was so good. But I'm so full." Riley said.

"Same." Devin said.

"So what now?"

after a couple minutes of silence Riley spoke up.

"Look guys, we're all friends. Why should me and Devin be getting married be a problem?"

"WHAT!!" I screamed. I didn't care if we were here or not.

"Isn't that why we are here?"

"No Riley, it wasn't." Devin said in a really angry tone.

"Just say the rest now." He said again.

"Ugh, me and Devin are getting married because I'm pregnant."

No one spoke. Pregnant!? Devin got her PREGNANT!?

"And who's choice was this to get Riley pregnant?" I said glaring at Devin.

"It was mine Hailey. He didn't force me, I wanted a baby. And if I didn't want it why would we be getting married?" Riley said.

"Well does your mom know? Do you even know his parents? Devin, soccer and lacrosse is coming up, how are you gonna do that and take of your y future wife that's pregnant?!?"

"Chill hailey, I got this. This dinner was the stupidest idea ever. It's obvious we can't be friends anymore. it was nice knowing you guys..... Reeves let's go.... or should I say Mrs. Caukins." Devin said smirking at me. They got up and left.

"Oh my gosh." I said starting to cry on Preston.

"How could she do that to me!?"

"Um Hailey you really believe she wanted that baby?" Preston said concerned.

"You don't?"

"Of course not. I think Devin raped her. He forced her."

"Preston! how could you say that!? She's not stupid."

"Obviously she is. She liked me, not Devin. You left Devin and made him mad. He wanted to "do" something. So he took advantage of Riley. Probably didn't mean to get her pregnant but now she is."

I was shocked. He was right.

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