Chapter 11

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"Oh um it's okay? Anyway, Want to hang out? You can come over." Knowing that I was a little disturbed by what I heard from Riley, I think I just needed to go home and sleep.

"I'm sorry I'm super busy, lots of homework with little sleep. Maybe another time!" After that I hung up. I couldn't take hearing his voice knowing that he did that with Riley. It just wasn't right. But it wasn't something I was going to talk about with him.

after all it was his life before and it still is. I don't want a relationship where we controlled each other.

I got home and laid on my bed. Homework? Really? He was really dumb if he believed that. Senior year, you don't have as much homework to worry about and I frequently got it done during class.

"What to do what to do." Suddenly there was a knock at my door.

"Um come in." Sophia walked in with brand new clothes, her hair and make up done to perfection, and some new heels. I stood up.

"That doesn't look like cheer stuff." I said in an angry tone. My mother never took me out shopping.

"It's for the banquet tonight dumb butt, what do you think?"

It was a beautiful outfit and her hair was flawless. I had to be nice.

"You look really pretty Soph." I said with a nicer tone.

"Thanks!" She said in a sassy one and walked out of my room.

Then my mom walked in and looked fairly sympathetic.

"Hey girly." I knew what she was doing. She knew I was mad.


"look hun I'm sorry I never take you shopping, it's just that Sophia needed an outfit for tonight. What do you say you me tomorrow night go have dinner anywhere you want, and then I'll buy you 3 outfits. Hair and make up."

This was a deal I would not pass up.

"Deal, but don't forget."

••••2 hours later••••

I woke up from the best nap of my life, and it completely gt rid of my head ache. I checked my phone to see if Devin texted me. But only to find that it was Preston.

"Hey we need to talk." Yikes that scared me. In a way I didn't really want to talk to him, but he was one of my best friends and it was probably important. But not today. I've already had enough with Riley.

"Okay. tomorrow?" I responded.

"No, today." This started to make me mad. why does everyone feel the need to talk to me?

"No I'm super busy right now and have no time. Plus it's snowing really hard and I'm in my comfy clothes. Tomorrow after school we will meet at my car, k?"

"K." I got really worried about what everyone was so concerned about me with. Since I've been dating Devin there's been a lot of drama. I didn't really want our relationship to get out there but it did.

Every girl hated me because they were in love with Devin, and I also sat with the popular kids at study center and they gave me answers. And not just to school work, but to gossip.

"Hon time for dinner!" Thank god. I was starving. I always get really hungry after long naps.

Suddenly I was in the best mood. Who knows why.

"Hello beautiful family, don't you have your banquet tonight soph?"

"Yeah but they always have the worst food there and look what mom made." I looked down at the table to see my most favorite meal that my mom makes. It was the juiciest steak, buttered noodles with salt, and a full packed salad with just about everything in it, even avocados. And I loved those.

"Mom mom mom, you do know me." I screamed and smiled. I could tell it was gonna be a good night for me.

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