Chapter 10

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I walked down stairs to see that no one was home. I picked up a note on the fridge that read;

"Hailey, please clean your room and then you can do what you want today. I'm out with Sophia finding cheer things. See you at 8 for dinner."

Well it was all me today.


"Maybe not.... Hello?"

"HEYYY!!!" Riley screamed into the phone.

"Riley God damn."

"Sorry, omg can we see each other I have so much to tell you."

"Uh sure, Wanna grab lunch at 12?"

"Yes! Panda Express, 12 o'clock. Be ther "

She hung up really fast. It was already 10:40 and I still needed to clean my room and get ready.

••••12 o'clock••••

"Hey girl."

"Hey! okay you have me worried, start talking."

"Okay welllllllll, me and Preston were at his house cuddling and stuf and then we started kissing and stuff and things got really hot so he took me to his room and took of my clothes anddddd things happened..."

"RILEY ANDREA LOLLY!" I loved her name, it was hilarious. But she hated it.


"You me you and him had sex!? Riley, you've only been dating 2 weeks."

"I couldn't help myself Hails!! He's so hot and I've wanted him and his buddy hehe."

"Ew gross. I'm leaving that's gross."

"No no hails come on please don't leave!"

"Riley you AHh. Your virginity is gone now..."

"Umm axtuAlly that's not the important thing I needed to tell you." I paused and starting freaking out a little.

"Okay then tell me."

She signed.

"So about a month ago, me and Devin were hanging out. He started making out with me and this time it was all him. I tried stopping him but he wouldn't get off, then he kinda umm took my virginity. Preston was really sad when he saw that it was him. IM SO SORRY HAILS."

I started crying and ran out the door. I swore to myself I would never drive crying or mad, but I needed to leave.

next thing I know, Devin was calling.


"Woah baby are you okay?" I hung up for some reason. but then I realized that it wasn't his fault and he didn't really do anything bad. We weren't dating then so it's not like he cheated on me or anything.

I called him back.

"Hailey! What happened!"

"Sorry that was my cousin"

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