Chapter 3

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•••• Next morning•••••


Ew stupid alarm. I got up, put some clothes on, ate a banana and brushed my teeth. On Saturdays I did my early morning run at 6:30 am.

one hour later and I was at home in the shower. I heard my phone ringing so I quickly hurried out and answered it. It was Devin.


"Loveday, how goes it?"

"Goes it well, what do you want?" I teased lightly.

"Meet me at the park near Wellington Road."

I hung up and started doing my make up. I loved the natural look so I did my regular face routine, a bronze/ gold-ish color, mascara, eyeliner, and vanilla lip gloss. I threw on a tan sweater and colorful leggings and my favorite dark brown uggs. Once I was done I grabbed my purse, Car keys and smothered myself in perfume and drove to the park.

When I arrived, I had found Devin sitting on a swing so I joined him by the other one.

"Hey Dev!"

He looked up and smiled. That smiled made me feel feelings I couldn't even bare.

"Hey Hailey." He got up and hugged me. this whole situation was just wrong. We've hugged before but never a hug like this. I pulled back a little.

"Why did you want me to come here?" I got excited. I have sort of always had feelings for Devin but kept on the wayyyyy down low. I was hoping he was going to share his feelings for me after 10 and a half years.

"Well I wanted to talk to you."

My heart started racing, even Just after those simple words.

"Okay, speak."

I waited, patiently. But it was oh so hard not to scream at him to say something. I could tell he was gathering his words together. I might as well too.

Devin, I like you a lot. and--

"Okay so." I was cut off by is deep voice.

"I like this certain person, she's in a lot of classes with me, but I'm not sure how exactly to tell her. I need to make her mine. I need to show her the feelings I've been feeling for her for these past ten years." He smiled and so did I.

It had to be me. I'm in a bunch of his classes, I'm a girl, and I've known him for 10 years.

"Well I'm almost positive she likes you too." I smiled so big I couldn't hold it in.

"Really? How do you know? I haven't even told you who it is."

"Come on Dev, stop pretending. I know exactly who your talking about and Its obvious."

"Awesome! So you think you could get Riley to go to homecoming with me?"

My heart fell. It felt like an arrow had just shot threw my chest and broke me.

"R-Riley?" i stuttered.

"Uh yeah, you said she likes me?"

"Oh, um, yeah. I actually, um, need to go Dev. I'll see you tomorrow."

I rain to my car crying, and I don't think he noticed. RILEY!? How!? What!? Everyone knows she has a thing for Preston. Where did this come from!? Me and Devin were best friends first

Here's how it went: Me and Devin met Preston and Riley who then met Conner and we became the fabulous five, or that's at least what we called ourselves in 2nd grade.

I turned my music on full blast and road home. I didn't even care about the speed limit. I just wanted my bed and my best friend. But then I remembered she was out shopping for homecoming.

I got home and laid in bed, just waiting for Devin to ask me what was wrong. But hours went by and nothing.

Worst. Day. Ever.

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