Chapter 12

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Monday. Gross. I woke up with the worst stomach ache but j had to go. It was finals week and trust me. they are NOT worth making up on your Saturday. So I ate a little granola bar and stated getting ready.

45 minutes later, I was just arriving to school. Sophie ran out of the car knowing she was just in time for cheer.

I saw Devin walking into school and decided to wait until he got in. Even though we had first period together and we sat next to each other.

5 minutes went by and if I waited any longer I would be late. I rushed out of my car and into class. Just as usual the hell ran right as I got there.


"Sanders." I took my seat next to Devin and didn't bother looking at him. I was so annoyed by him I didn't want to look. But unfortunately I had to.

"hey loveday." He said in an angry tone.

"Hi" before he could say anything the daily announcements came on. Thank god.

"Hello Tigers! Hope your having a lovely morning this beautiful rainy Monday. Today for lunch we will be having a pizza bowl, and iced tea. Hopefully you brought lunch!" The class laughed.

"There is testing at 12:30 for the juniors in room C-18. Don't forget. Tigers football game is Friday night at 7 and boys tennis try outs are today after school at 1:20. Thank you."

"Hey." a voice said directly towards me. I picked my head up and saw Landon Carmin talking to me.

"Yeah?" I said quietly.

"Here a party invitation. my house. 8 o'clock tonight. Be there." He winked at me and Devin saw.

"Thanks Landon." I said winking back.

Devin didn't say anything the whole class period. The bell rang and we left class.

"Hey what was Landon talking to you about?" He asked curiously.

"Oh just a party." I said trying to act cool about it.

"Nice, later I gotta go." He walked off. I could tell he was mad.

•••Later tonight•••

"ugh hails I don't know what to wear. What are you wearing?" Riley shouted.

"I'm wearing my black tight dress with my heel boots and I'm almost done curling my hair. Here you can borrow my red right dress with my silver heels."

We gt all ready and drove to Landon's. I didn't actually think I would go through with this whole party thing, but I was and it felt good. I wasn't loosing feelings for Devin, but I just wanted revenge still for what he did with Riley.

We got to the party and it was huge. I'm glad I came. This could be the party of senior year and I got invited. I saw Landon and went to say hi

"Heyy Landon." I said cutely.

"Hey babe!" He said. Babe? what?

"Is um Devin here?" I had to ask. I couldn't resist. It's not like I wanted him, I was just wondering.

"Uh yeah he is, I think he might be upstairs." Should I go see him or what? What could he be doing?


I walked slowly up the stairs, passing by people I knew, people I hated, people getting drunk, people grinding and people who were sleeping. I got to the upstairs and there were about 6 doors.

Most of them were probably taken by a couple doing who knows what In there. There was a group of my friends so I decided to join their circle.

"Loveday! Have a beer!" My friend Max cheered. So I did.

"Hey anyone see Devin?" They didn't know we were dating so why would it matter.

"Hell yeah! He's in room 5 getting his game on with Vanessa Mcknight. Props to him." My heart fell. I felt like it dropped all the way to my feet. Now I had to lug it to room 5. I was NOT going to be played like this.

I knocked on the door. and then realized what I was doing and rushed in. And I found exactly what Max had explained. Devin. On Vanessa.

"Devin." I said angry. Tears rushing down my face

"HAILEY!" He screamed.

"Who the hell is that Devvyy?" She said in a sweet tone.

"That's my boyfriend. or Was my boyfriend."

Devin pushed Vanessa and ran to me with his shirt off. Damn.... NO! I had to stop. He just had sex with a girl I couldn't stand.

"Hailey hailey! Please don't leave me! I'm sorry!"

I walked out of the room. Why did I stop crying? Why wasn't j sad? Who knows, but I'm here to party. I knew where Devin was and I didn't care anymore. Now I could REALLY party.

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