Chapter 4

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"Hails I'm leaving, breakfast is on the table!"

My mom always left all Sunday with my sister to go to a fancy breakfast meeting and have fun with her. Saturday's were our day, but I blew her off yesterday "thinking" Devin was more important. I was wrong.

"Thanks love you."

sadly she was already gone. I did feel bad, but I mean, well, I don't know what I mean. I got up and went down stairs to see 5 pancakes stacked up and a fruit bowl and chocolate milk. She knew my favorite. After a long day yesterday, this was much needed. I scarfed down my food and went up stairs to get ready for the day.

Before jumping in the shower I checked my phone.

*5 new messages from 'Dev'*

a smile lit up on my face and I immediately checked my phone.


"Can we please talk babe"

"I mean hailey. I'm sorry! please just text me back."

"Wanna go somewhere?"

"Can I see you before school tomorrow at least?"

if was kinda of weird. He was acting like a girl. he doesn't even know what happened. Should I text him back? I decided to go get ready and make myself look pretty and then decide whether I want to deal with my feelings.

•2 1/2 hours later•

I was pacing around my room trying not to freak out.

"Hey Dev. "

That's all I would say. I couldn't make myself seem desperate. I watched my phone screen like a hawk. But nothing.

"Hailey it has only been five minutes. Stop!" I told myself. Sometimes I talked to myself just to help myself out. I think everyone needs to.

"HAILEY! Finally."

He responded. What do I even say to that? Do I respond?

"Uh yeah, do you need something?" I tried to sound not so needy for his attention. Does he really think that I'm fine now?

"yeah, you ran off and didn't talk to me. Can we please talk?"

"I guess, meet me at Panda Express in 10 mins."

soon I was sitting at Panda waiting for the love of my life to talk about the most awkward thing.

•1 hour later•

"Hailey hey! sorry I'm late."

"Are you kidding" no way I was calling him Dev.

"look I'm sorry I got distracted. Wanna talk?"

"No Devin, I wanna go home. I've been here for forever waiting for YOU."

I walked to my car and got in my cozy car and drove home. Great tomorrow was Monday and I had him in every class. Plus we eat lunch together every day. Not anymore I guess. Hopefully I can get Riley to get away from Preston tomorrow.

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