Chapter 5

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"Mom I'm leaving! Soph come on!!!"

Me and Sophia ran out the door. we both woke up late to take her to cheer practice and she missed it. For some reason I was worried about her getting kicked off the team. She is a really good cheer leader and doesn't deserve to be kicked off.

"Bye love you." She screamed as she slammed the door. I drove to my reserved parking spot. Although my mom may not get me much, she did get me a reserved parking spot in the #1 spot that everyone wanted.

Riley got super jealous about that because she was in the far parking lot.



"Heyyyyyy!"Riley shouted in the phone.

"What's up?"

"Wanna meet me Dev and Preston at Chick Fil A??"

I paused thinking about what happened between me and Devin.

"UM well I was thinking me and you could do something. You know... without them?"

She didn't say anything for a little and I could tell she wanted to go with them. She was head over heels for Preston.

"But Hails, come on we always go eat after school. Please!?"

"you guys go! I'm gonna work on homework. I have a bunch of tests to study for."

But matter of fact, I didn't have any tests or anything to do. I was dying to go with them. I started walking into school.

There he was.

My breathing got heavier, and I was trying to hold in my tears. Him and Riley were talking and they were fairly close.


I heard Riley call my name but I kept walking faster. soon I got to my class and I turned around to find her and Devin behind me.

"Sorry don't wanna be late." and I walked in and sat in my seat.

"New seating chart class! Everyone gather your things and come up front."

I did as he said and lugged myself to the front. Devin was centimeters close to me. I tried not to look at his beautiful eyes but sadly being me, I couldn't help it. I looked up to find him already looking down.

"You." he mouthed to me. What could that mean. I looked back up at him to see him smiling.

"Mrs. Loveday? Your seat?" Mr. Sanders said in a firm voice.

"Right sorry!" I hurried to my seat and got our my stuff.

"And Devin Caukins, you will be one behind miss loveday. Pleae hurry, time is low."

My heart smiled. But then I realized we were at an awkward edge. He tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

"You." He said softy.

"Me what Devin!?"

"Is there a problem over here Caukins? loveday?"

"No sir, she was just wondering what movie we were watching today and I didn't want to spoil what our fantastic teacher had for us." Devin said proudly. What a show off.

"Good one Caukins, but no one likes a kiss up."

I laughed out loud to make him hear it. As we were watching the movie, "LOL", I could feel him whisper somethjng to me.


What does this mean? I didn't look or say anything back because I didn't wanna get in trouble again.

The bell ran 15 minutes later and I rushed out of class so that I didn't have to make contact with him. I turned around to see if he was following, but only to see he was walking the other direction with Riley.

"Hey!!" I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Woah hails what's that matter?!" Preston said.

"Oh nothing, just allergies. haha..." I trailed off.

"Oh alrighty then! See you at lunch?"

"Actually I'm eating lunch with Someone else! Have fun though."

As I was walking away, Preston looked really upset. But it didn't matter to me at the moment. All that matters was not crying in front of the whole school, and Devin... but that was my secret.

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