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The lab was one of the places that Eddie hated going to within their headquarters. There were pieces of it that were tolerable, such as the curtained off area for check-ups and healing injured members, and the lie detector, just because it was fascinating how it worked. In all reality though, most of it was made up of monitors, wires, and things to poke and prod at people.

Eddie was not excited to bring Richie there. Every year, they had to be updated and rechecked, meaning a lie detector test, blood tests, fear tests, and analysis through obstacles that tested people mentally. It was all part of being a member and deciding the best position for them.

Ben and Bill sat atop the leaderboard for the 13-18 age group, so they ran the lab and were in charge of the tests for people within their age group. Eddie held third, and he wanted to be going out and completing missions, so he had been allowed to lead his team.

"Hey guys!" Bev called from her spot on a vacant chair in the room, watching Eddie and Richie walk in. Only she noticed they were holding hands, until Eddie realized she was looking and pulled away.

They made their way to the monitors and Bill had Richie go to the curtained area for a blood test.

"Scared of needles, Richie?" Bill asked as a nurse swabbed Richie's arm.

"No, they're fine," Richie said, although he was unconvincing and his hands shook as the nurse pushed in the needle.

Once that had been completed, Ben outlined the tests that Richie would be doing. "So, you'll be completing three tasks today. A lie detector test so we can understand your past and where you'll fit the best, a mental fear simulation so we can understand your method of thinking, and a computerized test that will allow you to tackle critical thinking problems. It should take a couple of hours. The order of tasks doesn't matter, so what would you like to start with?"

"I'd first like to know what I signed up for," Richie said. He still didn't know where he was or what was expected.

"We can explain that once you finish the tests, alright? I promise," Eddie said with an encouraging smile.

Richie sighed. "I want to do the lie detector thing last, and the fear thing first."

Richie made it through the first two tasks quickly and easily, showing a high intelligence level. Both Bill and Ben were highly impressed, as were the others when they showed the results.

"We will show you the results once you've finished the last test," Bill told Richie after he finished the computerized test.

Richie nodded and followed Ben and Bill into a dark, windowless room. They had him sit on a chair and attached wires and probes to his arms and head. To his left sat a large machine with a big screen facing away from him.

What he wasn't expecting was Eddie to walk through the door.

"Eds? What're you doing here?" Richie asked. He really didn't want to share his deepest, darkest secrets with Eddie. There was no way he'd lie, but he still wished Eddie would leave.

"I'm reading the questions. Bill and Ben are gonna analyze you from outside. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Richie mumbled, thankful the machine hadn't been turned on yet so Eddie couldn't see that he obviously lied.

"Let's get started then, okay? It's really not bad, Richie. Just stay calm and give honest, thorough answers. Everything I'll be reading is whatever Ben and Bill send to me on the screen I'm looking at, so I promise I won't ask if you actually have a micro penis."

Richie laughed, grateful Eddie was keeping his spirits up and keeping him calm. The machine powered on, creating a low buzzing sound. The room was dark and warm, so Richie felt himself relaxing a little bit, although he was still jumpy.

"What's your first and last name?" Eddie asked.

"Richard Tozier."



"Who's in your immediate family and what are they like?"

"My mom and dad. They're both abusive assholes who drink every day and care more about alcohol than their own son."

Richie heard Eddie breath out shakily. He seemed upset.

"Have they hurt you before?" Eddie asked in a low voice.

"So that's why he seemed upset," Richie thought to himself before answering. He had been able to figure out that Eddie was sensitive to other people, based on his reactions. "Yeah they have."

"Okay. They day we hit you with the van, why weren't you inside?"

Richie knew that Eddie had to ask that question, just to get a truthful answer on record, but Richie couldn't help but feel defensive. "I got kicked out."


"Uh... I don't know." Richie knew Eddie knew he was lying. He had told him the real reason in the van. Yet, Richie lied. He didn't want it on record that his parents saw him as a disappointment.

A low beep echoed through the room and Richie heard Eddie sigh.

"Come on, Rich. Why'd they kick you out?"

Richie felt tears welling up in his eyes. He really didn't want to cry, but it was a sensitive subject. "They told me I was a disappointment and a failure, and that they didn't want me to stay."

"Where did you plan on running?"

"Anywhere away from there. I planned on California, but we know that didn't work out."

Eddie giggled from beside him and Richie found himself smiling a little bit.

"Okay, I have only one more question. Even though you don't know what you're getting yourself into, and you really don't know what's going on, will you swear your allegiance to this organization and work with us?"

"Work with them? I don't know. Work with you, Eds? For sure," Richie thought to himself.

"Richie? Answer the question."

"Yes. I'll work with your organization." Richie didn't know if he'd be able to pass. He didn't really want to work with the organization; he was agreeing because he wanted to stay around Eddie.

No beep sounded through the room, and the lights turned on. Eddie helped Richie take the probes attached to him off and helped him to stand up.

"Are you feeling okay?" Eddie asked, gently touching Richie's cheek and checking him over for injuries.

Richie smiled. "I've never been better. Can I see my results now?"

Eddie gave him a bright grin. "Don't worry Richie. You passed everything with high scores. According to our standings, you're ranked third, just below Ben and Bill."

"Who was third before?" Richie asked in a nervous voice. He really didn't want someone to get mad if he took their place.

Eddie chuckled. "Don't worry. I was third. When we retest, I'm definitely getting my spot back."

"Blimey, Eds! Guess I best be watching out for you!" Richie exclaimed in a horrible British accent, to which Eddie started laughing harder.

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