Inuyasha x reader- your of worth to me pt2

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You stood there confused, "why would you care? Unless it's out of pity?!"

Inuyasha raised his hands, "whoa its nothing like that! I've met you before a couple of times and I've watched you in your village."

You looked at him in awe, "so you were stalking me?"

Inuyasha got defensive, "no! I concerned for you."

You sighed coming closer, "I feel as if you have something else to say."

The dog demon blushed a little, "uh...well in the best way I can express this is...I love you." He strached his neck obviously nervous.

You were just even more dumbfounded by his confession. "Why?"

"Becuase when we've had chats together, even though you were drunk. You had a way of bringing humour into the most saddest situations, lighting my mood with your smile."

He swallowed, "I don't know but maybe if you return my feelings I can find out more of why I do."

Wow was he being bold! He really wanted to be with you.



He suddenly enveloped you in another hug. His arms tightened around you.

"What's wrong??"

He didn't answer.

"Answer me!"

Still silence, then a man's voice reached your ears. "Oh so this is where you've been!"

Your heart lept into your throat and you felt your stomach drop.

Subconsciously you leaned into Inuyasha and he pressed you into him more.

"What do you want Ryo?" A snarl rumbled from his throat.

"I want my wife back who you have in your arms filthy half demon!"

Inuyasha looked down at you, "do you want to stay?" He whispered.

You felt tears starting to well up again, "I..I.."

Inuyasha whispered into your hair, "you don't mean damn thing to him....but you meam so much to me."

He added in, "I want to make you know your worth fighting for."

Your heart shattered at his words but also thumped wildy. You could return his feelings.

"Yes I do!" You started to bawl.

He smiled.

Then he broke the hug and made you stand behind him. "She wants to stay here, will you let her or do I have to beat you to a bloody pulp?"

Inuyasha cracked his knuckles, flashing a threatening grin.

Which seemed to be enough to make the man agree.

"N-no she can stay with you!" Then he ran away like the coward he was.

"Are you alright (Y/n)- mmmf!"

You cut him off with a quick kiss, he put his arms around your waist. Kissing back harshly, then you parted for air.

A blush covered both your faces.

Inuyasha caressed your cheek, "well I guess I can find out now."

You stopped him from claiming another kiss. "First you have someone to deal with."
He tilted his head in confusion.


You directed your head to the hut.

Kagome came stomping down.

"What was that?!"

"Kagome! Just listen."

Let's just say Inuyahsa explained and Kagome was never heard or seen from again.

Let's just say Inuyahsa explained and Kagome was never heard or seen from again

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