What does Bakugo think of you?

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Aquarius: Denki definitely likes them.

Aries: Asshat. They almost beat me in a fight.

Taurus: Extra no. 2

Cancer: They're pretty smart, I study with them. But they are always talking and it really pisses me off sometimes.

Gemini: No comment... *HEKIN BLUSH*

Leo: They've got a mouth on them. It was hilarious when they roasted Sero.

Virgo: Can be funny, but can also be f*cking annoying.

Libra: They're annoying, but I guess I can put up with them because they can be badass when they want to be.

Scorpio: Another Extra. Ugh, fine. They're quirk is kinda cool I guess...

Sagittarius: I-um... I don't wanna talk about it, g-go away! *blushes like a goddam tomato*

Capricorn: Literally another Iida.

Pisces: Extra.

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